Mental Patience


Even though I try to practice, it is something I wish I had a lot more of and something I need a lot more of. I do think that I used to be more patient when I was young, but in the last few years, I think I am increasingly less so.

Increasingly less.

That is a funny way to state a decrease, isn't it?

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Makes it sound like a positive.


But a decrease in patience definitely isn't a positive. The only way it good be seen as such if what is being considered patience, is actually avoidance. I think that happens a lot too and I am definitely guilty of being passive when I should be far more proactive at times. Not making a decision doesn't mean no decisions are made, and not making a decision doesn't protect from consequences of outcomes.

Though at times, patience can be a negative, where it becomes an excuse for not going after something, not rolling the dice or putting the hat in the ring. I am guilty of this a lot throughout my life also, and it has likely had quite significant impacts on my outcomes and possibilities, as rather than going for something, I held back, using various excuses as to why, and then coming out with nothing. Well, not entirely nothing. There is a feeling of missing out on something wanted and perhaps at times, something I felt I deserved.


As they say, we regret what we didn't do, than what we did, and this might be true for a lot of the the regrets in my life. At the time, I was of course making the decision I thought was correct at the time, but was it because I thought that it was correct, or because I feared making a decision, or going for something I wanted, fearing I wouldn't get it?

For sure.

Patience might be a virtue at times, but when it becomes an excuse that holds us back, what is it then called? A vice? A defect? A sin? Sometimes I think that a lot of the things that are considered virtues, are designed to hold us back, keep us in our place, stop us from achieving what we could.

Stop us from challenging the status quo?

patience (n.)

c. 1200, pacience, "quality of being willing to bear adversities, calm endurance of misfortune, suffering

See how that can be used for control?

It sounds like something that a church might cook up to control the hungry sheep, while those of the church themselves light the candles in the golden candle holders, so they can eat mutton off their golden plates.

"Be patient. Your time will come."

In the next life.

As humans though, we are often in our heads, thinking about the past, the present, and what it might mean for our future. And, it is because of this that our mental states affect us so much, because it affects the decisions we make, our actions, our behaviors, and therefore, our outcomes, whether we are working for ourselves, or interacting with others.

I don't know about patience, but I do think that all the ways we are changing our experience of life through the methods we interact and interface with the world, and with the people within, we are being mentally affected. And in just the last few decades, we have changed a great deal of what we have done for thousands of years prior - things that largely worked. The rapidity of change has well and truly gone past our ability to adapt to the changes at the physical level, and I believe this is going to have largely negative impacts on our mental health.

And when one suffers, we all suffer.

This is the interesting thing about mental health, especially in a world that has encouraged isolation and individualism. Because despite what an individual might believe, they are part of a larger group and their behaviors will of course impact on those around them also. It doesn't have to be some school shooter, or mass murderer that causes the issues - it is at all levels of the environment. A disruptive student in the school room takes away from the rest of the class. A small group of drug addicts in the center of a city, has bearing on the rest of the citizens.

Not to mention the costs of treatment and repair.

We seem to have lost the battle for physical health, as obesity epidemics and illness is being driven even further by monetization of treatment, not cure. We have lost the fight for financial health also, which ties in with the first loss, as the wealth gaps widen and opportunities decrease. And mental health, the main thing that gives us an advantage as a species, is in rapid decline.

Perhaps with what many considered overpopulation, it is all part of the plan. Where a world is created that people just can't survive in, so they won't. The fittest is more than those who have the strongest muscles, it is those who are able to control others fittingly. And their job is far, far easier, when we don't even have the mental strength and fortitude to control ourselves.

I don't know where it will end up, but where it is heading is not really in a good direction in my opinion. But, I guess we will all have to patiently wait and see what the outcome for our society will be. If it keeps going where it is headed, the majority of us will need to be strapped down for our own safety.

[ Gen1: Hive ]


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I'm horrible at being patient and sadly I think my wife's patience has started to dwindle the longer she has been with me. Probably mostly because of me. It doesn't help that the world is becoming harder to be patient with. I think part of my lack of patience has to do with my ADHD. Along with that goes putting off big decisions or projects that I think will be hard. My downstairs bathroom is a testament to that. I make a point not to use that as an excuse though. I dropped the ball, I own it.


Probably mostly because of me

:D I think most wives' patience dwindles the longer they are with their husbands.

ADHD seems to be increasing, or at least the diagnosis is. These days, kids have so little attention span that they can't make it through a movie that they want to watch.


It's a struggle for sure!


Sometimes, situations can make us loose some patience. It might be as if one don't have patience but being stretched beyond limit can make one lose patience


Whose limits? Yours? Mine? Some guru who has practiced patience? Can't we all learn to be better?


Patience is a very good virtue for anyone who can hold patience but there are times when we get out of control and at the same time, there are times when we need to act up
I feel it is not every situation that needs patience


If we are out of control, whose job is it to improve us?


I think I have the same situation with patience. As years pass by, I don't want to wait for something to happen to me, and I want to have the control of whatever I am involved.


What about for the daily things? I get more frustrated with small things than I used to also.


Do you want to be happy? - Be it.
All in our hands.


I don't think it is that easy. The brain is physical too, like the body. You can't just be taller, or be smarter. There are laws of physics in play, even if we don't know them.


Patience is key to navigating technology and finance, enabling informed and sustainable decisions. In interpersonal relationships, patience strengthens communication and understanding, essential in a digitalised world. From my perspective, patience acts as a bridge, integrating technology, finance, and human relationships for balanced and harmonious development. The counterpart of patience is the fast-paced time we live in today. I perceive that we are more patient in these times, but we do not notice it, it is a psychological aspect related to the theory of the twenty-fifth hour of the day.


You think we are more patient now than earlier? What have you observed that informs this, as it would be interesting to see if I have recognized similar. However, I believe we are far less patient, especially when it comes to having to wait even short times for something we feel entitled to, like a page to load, or in traffic. Sense of entitlement is increasing also in my opinion - where people expect that they deserve something, even if they haven't worked for it, or have no control over it.


I think it's been a while since I've seen or heard anyone mention that the world is overpopulated. It is actually the opposite. There is a sharp decline in birth rates in a lot of countries, and many are worried about it.

I think the term survival of the fittest shouldn't be taken literally. I like to interpret it as those fit to survive in a given time. In prehistoric times, it is those that can hunt and gather, and make healthy children. As time passed, physicality became less and less important. Intelligence slowly became the necessary factor. With the advancements in technology, I wouldn't be surprised if it changed to creativity and ingenuity.


I think it's been a while since I've seen or heard anyone mention that the world is overpopulated. It is actually the opposite. There is a sharp decline in birth rates in a lot of countries, and many are worried about it.

As far as the resources of the earth are concerned, we are probably overpopulated. The reason countries are worried about birthrates, is because the economy is a pyramid scheme, especially retirement funds and social security. And then there is the issue of who is going to do the actual work that no one wants to do. If those with money are the only ones having kids, their kids aren't going to be garbage collectors.

I completely agree with you about the survival of the fittest and I do think creativity and the ability to think well will be highly valuable for the "fit" to have.


I agree that the economy is a pyramid scheme. They want a minimum of 2 kids per couple to replace them eventually. But from a purely numbers standpoint, we are moving away from overpopulation and are slowly getting lower.

With regards to the earth resources, which ones are you referring to? We have a lot of land and area that have not yet been used, or are used inefficiently. Golf courses easily come to mind.


The rapidity of change has well and truly gone past our ability to adapt to the changes at the physical level, and I believe this is going to have largely negative impacts on our mental health.

Our educational system can't keep up. We are so far behind here in the US and admins all sitting around in air-conditioned offices with thumbs up their asses so far disconnected from the students they are tasked to serve with the goal of raising test scores and school grades. Oy Vey! Creativity in the classroom is dying!!

A disruptive student in the school room takes away from the rest of the class.

It is completely preventable the amount of HOURS of my class time that are wasted with students who are not getting their needs met and disrupting class for others. We lack options for alternative students in our quest for everything equal and they are ruining it for so many students it is a tragedy!
