Good morning all hive friends, have a nice day and of course you can do the things you like and what you want wherever and whenever you want. On this occasion, of course, I am in good health and of course I can do the things that I like. One of the things I really like is that on this occasion I want to share with my hive community friends, namely for photos of my activities attending the SPPT-TI event (an electronic criminal case data exchange system)
Banda Aceh, Tuesday 3 January 2023 in a function room at a Banda Aceh hotel. A Technical Field Meeting was held which was attended by all High Court Judges and leaders of each section of the Banda Aceh High Court. The aim was to finalize the readiness of the Aceh High Court in implementing the SPPT-TI.
SPPT-TI is a criminal case data exchange system electronically between 4 law enforcement agencies (Indonesian National Police, Indonesian Attorney General's Office, Indonesian Supreme Court, Indonesian Ministry of Law and Human Rights Directorate General of PAS). This system was formed in order to accelerate and facilitate the process of handling cases in an accountable and transparent manner, it is deemed necessary to develop innovation in the form of an Integrated Information Technology-based Criminal Case Handling System (SPPT TI).
effectively and efficiently. Development of the SPPT-TI, Initially in 2016 the SPPT-TI only integrated the criminal case database system in four institutional components, namely:
-The Police,
-Prosecutors' Office,
and the Directorate General of Corrections in the context of exchanging data on the process of handling criminal cases, but in its development in 2021, SPPT-TI develops with additional agency components, including: Supreme Court attorney Police Ministry of Law and Human Rights / Correctional Institutions KPK Kemenkopolhukam-RI Kemkominfo BSSN Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas The role of the District Court which is under the Aceh High Court is:
Completeness and filling of case data;
Timeliness of Data Update;
Accuracy of filling in case data;
Data synchronization/matching with the Supreme Court server.
It should be underlined that the SPPT-TI was born, not to replace existing systems that are running in the MA environment such as SIMARI, SIPP, Directory of Decisions, and others. However, this SPPT-TI will integrate existing data in each related ministry/institution, so that quality data is obtained, it is hoped that in the end this system can become a tool for making changes in law enforcement through improving the case handling process starting from the process in investigation to execution for transparency and accountability. Hopefully with the development of the SPPT-TI it can be useful in a just law enforcement process