RE: Conspiracy Hour


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Tucker Carlson, when I still watching him months ago, was doing segments on UFO's. I guess it's all supposed to be based on footage released from the military and air pilots that has been accumulated over the last decades but held as classified information. Supposedly these things being shown on his show can move so fast they can out maneuver anything known to man. I keep saying supposedly because why all the sudden release over the last few months, something of that grand scale in nature you'd think they'd done released to the public to give them a heads up that there is something out there that is a potential threat that is bigger than us. At least in the bigger overall picture the populace if faced with such an event would at least know as to not cause wide spread panic of an unknown. Panic would more than likely break out anyway but not to the extent of total one hundred percent naivete of what was unfolding. At least people would know to quietly go find a spot to ditch out in and not to grab their guns and start shooting at it, if you know what I mean. Or trample each other down in the streets trying to get away from it. So fast forward several months and all of the sudden we're shooting down balloons and evidently from the news here tonight some rectangular object seen over Lake Huron this weekend. So where's all this going? I don't know but Trump did say a few months back that we hadn't seen nothing yet.

As far as the conspiracy on destruction of food processing facilities that isn't true. It's not out of the ordinary, there's some five thousand such events every year here in the US. I did a deep dive into just because my sons spent a few years working in food distribution plants and at times got sent home because something went wrong. A fire in one area of a plant, usually a small mechanical fire, a burst pipe, etc., but nothing where the entire place burnt to the ground even though in some incidences that happens as the stuff I looked at detailed those occurrences. Overall though five thousand mishaps in a year isn't going to cause a major disruption to the food chain with over forty five thousand food manufacturers in the US. This is another one of two things, someone posted it, everyone ran with it, and it ended up being another Tucker Carlson segment which super accelerated it or it was a Tucker Carlson spotlighted segment that super accelerated it. Take your pick.

The egg business, well as some have pointed out there is no egg shortage. I just did an post on that. There's plenty of eggs out there they are just pricy eggs. Being a tiny place like New Zeeland a major producer burning down may have an effect on the amount of available eggs but not here. I can't give you the exact number because Hive is acting up again and I can't get to the op but there are over five million egg producing hens in the US. If each of those hens laid one egg a day that's one egg a day for every man, woman and child in the US with forty six million left over. That was in the recent article on a major egg producer that burnt to the ground here recently. They said it would have minimal to zero effect on the egg supply here. I am assuming that the zero would come from the fact that the US government has top secret locations of plants that provide them with over forty five million a year in contracts to supply them with eggs for vaccines. So if that would have happened to be one of them, which they are never going to admit if they are considered top secret, than the effect on the market would be zero because they were never/wouldn't have been being produced for retail. So it could be that plant sits there for a year, year and and a half before full production begins again and it would have no effect on the egg supply. Even at all that egg producers say that if they were to have to destroy their entire flock over the flu virus it has minimal effect on them getting back up and running again because young hens are readily available. Actually young hens are better because they carry more IgY that supports immune systems than older laying hens. They inherit that benefit from their mothers just like infants in human mother produce for their newborn babies. To me their is a bigger story to that picture you posted and I am working on gathering the info and that is they lied to us. They said that a vaccine couldn't be made in the normal course of how vaccines were made but here we are and eggs are being used to develop antibodies to covid. Some countries have developed a nasal spray using these antibodies and the spike protein does not enter the body at all. To make a vaccine though would take years in development....or an emergency release I not right? So I am headed in that direction . I was hoping to get the first part done tonight but like I said I only exist in part on here tonight, my avatar is gone, I don't belong to any groups, there's nothing trending, I can't even get into my wallet to see if it still exist...and I can only load a page of Hive followers, which is how I got sidetracked over onto your post. Hopefully tomorrow I'll be back in full swing, as this isn't the first time it's happened, probably the third now. Anyway, hope I didn't bore you to death.


"...five million egg producing hens in the US. If each of those hens laid one egg a day that's one egg a day for every man, woman and child in the US with forty six million left over."

I can't follow your math. Is that common core? 350M Americans (not counting some), plus 46M left overs, equals 396M eggs, which is 391M more than 5M egg producing hens laying one a day produce.

"...I can't even get into my wallet..."

Eek! BRB, checking my wallet.


Sorry couldn't get to my post on it so I was winging it trying to remember the stats. That's 372 million egg laying hens, and the stat I found on the US population was 326 million.

Yeah like I said that's like the third time that has happened to me, it's like someone partially turns off the lights and goes home and the next day someone comes in and turns them all back on. I guess I should go check my wallet just to be sure. lol...not that it will make or break


I try to stay out of my wallet. Almost as much as I try to keep anyone else out of it, LOL
