When The Cute Homeschool Teacher Asks For a Favor ... (A Homeschool Facelift Story)


I am very blessed to be the principal of our homeschool academy. I must say that I find my kiddos' teacher rather attractive! 😄

My wife came up to me a few weeks ago asking that I procure some funding for new desks and shelves. How could I turn down my best teacher (especially since I have had a not-so-secret crush on her for the last twenty years)?

A Homeschool Facelift

My wife and I realize that we need to make some furniture purchases as our student population grows. There is a lot to be said about how my wife's personality and kindness create a great environment for learning. But there are times when she needs/wants a little help to take our homeschool room to the next level.

My wife had done her research. She found what she wanted, and now she was prepared to get it. I think it is safe to say that my wife is a go-getter, so when the closest IKEA kept saying that they were out of stock with some of the items she wanted, she had to get a little creative.

Tenacious For The Sake Of Our Kiddos

I have been a part of the @homeedders community long enough to know that we are different. We are diverse regarding our skills, shortcomings, philosophies, and locations.

But there is one thing that unites us. Our children are some of the most people in our lives, and as a result, we will go to crazy lengths to give our kiddos what we feel is best for them.

My wife's tenacity led her and my mother-in-law to Memphis, TN, to pick up the last few pieces of furniture that she wanted. They left early one morning, drove 6 hours, picked up "the goods," stopped by a friend's house, and then drove back home.

My wife channels her 'never giving up', 'always pressing forward' attitude to serve and bless others. Day-in and day-out, she shows up to bless our kiddos and equip them for their learning journeys.

The Fruits Of Our Labor

My wife's well-thought-out plans seem to have been executed perfectly. Once all of the packages arrived, I exchanged my principal hat for the maintenance man hat. I can take credit for all of the work.

We worked as a team. We accomplished this task as a family. The following pictures highlight the fruits of our labor.


Pumpkin received a new desk with enough shelves to store her favorite photos and pig collection.


Our two oldest received a bookshelf upgrade - already filled to capacity.


This short shelf catches some odds and ins.


Last year, our two youngest shared a desk. This year they both received a new desk - their own space to do their work.

Assembling Furniture - An Intense Magnifying Glass

There have been several events/season in my life that feels like an intense magnifying glass:

  • My first year of marriage
  • The first few months of language school (while living overseas)
  • Assembling IKEA furniture

These "magnifying glasses" show what is real and true but with great intensity.

While assembling the furniture, several daily truths re-emerged:

  • My wife and I make a great team. We work well together when we communicate well with each other. Our skills and strengths balance well to minimize the impact of our individual weaknesses.
  • I am very visual. IKEA speaks my assembly language - all pictures, no words. A picture is indeed worth 1,000 words to me!
  • My second daughter grows timid when she fears failure. She did not want to use the battery-powered screwdriver because "she was afraid that she would mess something up." She is just like her momma.
  • My youngest daughter, however, was fearless when she was allowed to shine quietly. She excels in our home but clams up when under a public spotlight.

Final Thoughts

There is a lot that can be learned while performing a homeschool room facelift.

We can be reminded of ...

  • who and what matters most to us
  • our strengths and weaknesses
  • how well we work with others

There are countless life lessons. We have to make sure we keep our eyes open for them.

Let's Keep Talking

I want to hear from you.

  1. Tell us about an event or season of life that has acted as a magnifying glass to affirm who you are.
  2. Did you make any changes to your homeschool room this year?
  3. Do you prefer visual or written instructions?

Thanks for stopping by!



Electronic-terrorism, voice to skull and neuro monitoring on Hive and Steem. You can ignore this, but your going to wish you didnt soon. This is happening whether you believe it or not. https://ecency.com/fyrstikken/@fairandbalanced/i-am-the-only-motherfucker-on-the-internet-pointing-to-a-direct-source-for-voice-to-skull-electronic-terrorism


Please downvote and mute this horrible account. @gangstalking It likes to downvote harass bully intimidate and be such a general nuisance that the community has gotten tired of it.

In fact we need to have a way to remove certain accounts from being able to abuse the community in the event such abuse has truly gone to catastrophic proportions like this one..

Thank you everyone and we really enjoy all of your support as well as love. Our online community will overcome one Petty cereal spammer.

Thank you from me and puppy dog.



What a beautiful, beautiful, homeschool setup! This is also one of my goals, but sadly that would have to wait until we go back home to PH. Right now our dining table converts to a school desk most part of the day.


I am sure that you want to provide the best environment possible for your kiddos. I just want to remind you that you being you is such a blessing to your children!

Sounds like you are being resourceful and doing a great job making sure that your children's learning journey continues.


I prefer visual instructions. We added 2 deals, too. We also got a bench for our long table instead of chairs to make it easier for my teacher to sit next to her students... I'm also hot for teacher... just saying... lol

Good job on your project. I'm trying to get my teacher's students (we have 3) to also contribute on Hive as part of their homework... maybe someday...


@bobthebuilder2 - Nice to meet you, sir!

I think it is a good thing when a man still gets excited about seeing the woman he loves. Keep that flame going!

I have thought about Hive accounts for my kiddos as well. I see some great potential as an addition to their existing curriculum.

Journaling, grammar/spelling, formatting posts, and economics are just a few of the skills that could be practiced!

See you around.


100%! I was just talking to my 12 yo and 14 yo today about whether they had any posts they wanted to put up. My 12 yo said she wants to do it, so I told her to start thinking about usernames for both an email address and a Hive account :)


Glad to see you back!
Do you go for full home school, or just now, for the pandemic?


Glad to be back. My wife mentioned a week or so ago that this is her 10th year to homeschool. We started because we lived overseas. Since moving back to the States we have continued.

It is a great choice for our family lifestyle and the needs of our kiddos.

See you around!
