Did you know that Freyja is a smiling cat? Take a look at these pictures! 😸 [ESP-ENG]



Bienvenidos! || Welcome!

Hola amigos! Espero que se encuentren muy bien y que estén teniendo un día genial, yo me encuentro excelente gracias a Dios, feliz de poder traerles estas lindas fotos de mi segunda bebe Freyja, para los que aun no saben de ella pues es una gatita que Chris y yo rescatamos, ella estaba muy pequeña y débil, necesitaba un hogar y techo, al principio la íbamos a cuidar pero luego ella se gano nuestro amor, además nos gustaba mucho que era la primera gata gris de ojos amarillos que teníamos y que habíamos visto hasta ahora en la Isla de Margarita, a medida que ella fue creciendo notamos junto con su veterinaria ciertos cambios de comportamiento y físicos que nos hicieron cuestionar un poco de donde proviene, cuales son sus genes y características peculiares, ya que ella tiene algunos rasgos muy diferentes de los gatos comunes, por ejemplo una vez estando ella pequeña se enfermo, tenia una parasitosis por que en la calle había comido muchas cosas en mal estado, esa enfermedad hace que los gatos pierdan su pelaje o que su pelo este opaco, Freyja nunca perdió eso, ella tenia un pelaje gris muy brilloso y saludable, es algo que impacto a su doctora, por supuesto Freyja cumplió su tratamiento y ahora esta sana.

Hello friends! I hope you are feeling great and are having a great day, I am feeling excellent thank God, happy to bring you these nice pictures of my second baby Freyja, for those who still don't know about her, she is a kitten that Chris and I rescued, she was very small and weak, she needed a home and a roof, at first we were going to take care of her but then she won our love, besides we liked her very much she was the first grey cat with yellow eyes that we had and that we had seen so far in Margarita Island, as she was growing up we noticed along with her vet certain behavioral and physical changes that made us question a little bit where she comes from, what are her genes and peculiar characteristics, she has some very different traits and physical changes that made us question a little bit where she comes from, what are her genes and peculiar characteristics, as she was growing up we noticed together with her vet certain behavioral and physical changes that made us question a little bit where she comes from, what are her genes and peculiar characteristics, since she has some very different features from the common cats, for example once when she was little she got sick, She had a parasitosis because in the street she had eaten a lot of bad food, that disease makes cats lose their fur or their fur is opaque, Freyja never lost that, she had a very shiny and healthy grey fur, it is something that impacted her doctor, of course Freyja complied with her treatment and now she is healthy.





Como les mencione anteriormente ella a medida que iba creciendo fue desarrollando ciertas características muy peculiares y diferentes, además las personas que la ven siempre se sorprenden, le hacen cumplidos por su pelaje e ojos, después de tanta investigación y comparación logramos dar con lo que ya sospechábamos, Freyja es mestiza! Mitad atigrado y mitad Russian Blue, ya que tiene en su cola y en sus patas traseras unas pocas rayas oscuras del resto cumple con la mayoría de los rasgos de un Russian Blue, como su pelaje azulado y gris que brilla, sus ojos amarillos y verdes intensos, la forma de su rostro, nariz y por supuesto lo mas gracioso y tierno SU HERMOSA SONRISA! Como pueden ver en las fotos Freyja siempre parece estar sonriendo, esto es algo que cautiva muchas miradas y la hace una gatita muy especial y tierna! Es lindo poder tener a una gatita tan especial como ella, la amamos muchísimo ❤️.

As I mentioned before, as she was growing up she was developing some very peculiar and different characteristics, also the people who see her are always surprised, they make compliments for her coat and eyes, after so much research and comparison we found what we already suspected, Freyja is a mestizo! Half tabby and half Russian Blue, as she has a few dark stripes on her tail and hind legs, but she has most of the features of a Russian Blue, like her blue and grey shiny coat, her yellow and green intense eyes, the shape of her face, nose and of course the most funny and tender thing, HER BEAUTIFUL SMILE! As you can see in the pictures Freyja always seems to be smiling, this is something that captivates many looks and makes her a very special and tender kitty! It is nice to be able to have such a special kitty like her, we love her very much ❤️.






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Texto traducido en | Text translated in: Deepl

Imagenes tomadas por mi | Images taken by me




Hello there! How are you doing?

Aww! Oh wow! Freyja looks so beautiful. Cats are one of the most beautiful pets on earth.


Hi! All good here, I hope you are doing well too, yes! Freyja is a very cute and playful kitty, even more so with her smile, cats are great companions, impossible not to love them!


Freyja es muy hermosa, me alegra que la hayan rescatado y darle un hogar, los felicito 🤗


Holaa! Muchas gracias por el cumplido hacia mi dulce bebe jaja pues nosotros estamos muy felices de tenerla y poder darle todo el amor que se merece, gracias!!! Un fuerte abrazo y saludos ❤️


Yes the cats do smile and its one of the cutes things they do.....there is also another gazillion cute things they do....:)
Really nice photos capturing Freya smiling....im always wondering why do they do it and what do they think at that moment.......
They are such a lovely creatures.....its pleasure to be around them....
Peace and Love!
In Lak'ech!


Hi! well not all of them do it, that is to say, to her in particular is marked much more the corner of his mouth which is a characteristic feature of the Russian Blue, these photos I took while she was taking a break from playing so much hahaha cats are very adorable animals, curious and excellent companions of life, thanks for your nice comment! GREETINGS.


La verdad es que ese color de su pelaje en combinación con sus ojos es espectacular, se ve de mucho pedigree, es muy bella y elegante. Cuídenla mucho, si es posible busquen esterilizarla, estará más tranquila y con eso se evita la proliferación de gatitos que luego sufren mucho. Saludos.


Holaa!!! Muchas gracias por el cumplido hacia la bebe jaja siii es una de las cosas que mas impresiona a la gente, la combinacion de su pelaje gris y brillante con sus ojos amarillos intensos, siii amiga ella esta esterilizada, lo hicimos una semana despues de haberla rescatado, a ella y a otros gatos mas, todo sea por cuidarlos y evitar que mas futuros gatitos sufran, gracias por tu lindo comentario! Saludos y abrazos ❤️
