(ESP/ENG) Mujeres de Palabra: Un evento para realzar el valor de la mujer y la literatura / Women of the Word: An event to enhance the value of women and literature 💖📚
¡Hola a todos! Ayer tuve la oportunidad de asistir por breves instantes a un evento bastante interesante, por parte de la invitación de mi hermana @maisugar, quien trabaja en una asociación que ayuda más que nada, a las necesidades de las mujeres y niños de distintas comunidades. En ésta oportunidad, la convocatoria se realizó en la biblioteca Pío Tamayo ubicada en Barquisimeto (Venezuela). Y aunque tenía que trabajar a esas horas, me la apañé para conseguir el tiempo para poder acercarme un rato.
Hello everyone! Yesterday I had the opportunity to briefly attend a very interesting event, at the invitation of my sister @maisugar, who works in an association that helps, more than anything, the needs of women and children from different communities. On this occasion, the call was made in the library Pío Tamayo located in Barquisimeto (Venezuela). And even though I had to work at those hours, I managed to find the time to get closer.
Temas del conversatorio:
- Entendiendo el ciclo dela violencia.
- Las mujeres no escriben las guerras.
- ¿Después de la denuncia, qué?
- Sanación espiritual luego de situaciones de violencia.
- Homenaje a Dilcia Petit. Por su años de dedicación.
Conversation topics:
- Understanding the cycle of violence.
- Women do not write wars.
- After the complaint, what?
- Spiritual healing after situations of violence.
- Tribute to Dilcia Petit. For his years of dedication.
Una vez que pude llegar, me encontré con la exposición de un hermoso cobertor lleno de bordados, realizados por distintas mujeres de un sector llamado Agua Viva. Quedé encantada con él, siempre he querido realizar uno de esas mantas con diferentes bordados, sin duda son un espectáculo visual para quién lo mire.
Once I was able to get there, I found an exhibition of a beautiful blanket full of embroidery, made by different women from a sector called Agua Viva. I was delighted with it, I have always wanted to make one of those blankets with different embroideries, without a doubt they are a visual spectacle for those who look at it.
De igual forma, estaba dispuesto el bazar, en donde distintos artesanos, exhibían y ofrecían a la venta, sus distintas creaciones. Desde joyería, muñecas de trapo hechas a mano, plantas pequeñas y por supuesto, libros.
In the same way, the bazaar was arranged, where different artisans exhibited and offered for sale their different creations. From jewelry, handmade rag dolls, small plants and of course, books.
En el interior del auditorio, se estaba efectuando una presentación acerca de la violencia contra la mujer. En él, diferentes profesionales hablaron sobre diferentes temas para que los presentes, pudieran identificar las señales de violencia y cómo actuar en los casos respectivos. Una información bastante útil, dado que hay muchas mujeres que están dentro de una relación afectiva, en la que piensan que ciertas actitudes de su pareja, son normales, cuando es todo lo contrario.
Inside the auditorium, a presentation about violence against women was taking place. In it, different professionals spoke about different topics so that those present could identify the signs of violence and how to act in the respective cases. Quite useful information, given that there are many women who are in an emotional relationship, in which they think that certain attitudes of their partner are normal, when the opposite is true.
La ponencia de parte de una abogada, también me pareció sumamente ilustrativa. Ella abarcó todos los procedimientos por los que debe pasar una persona abusada. Desde los centros a los que debe acudir, la forma en la que se siguen los casos y las distintas acciones legales con sus respectivos procesos de acción. Recalcando la importancia de denunciar, para romper con el ciclo de abusos.
The presentation by a lawyer also seemed extremely illustrative to me. She covered all the procedures an abused person must go through. From the centers to which you must go, the way in which the cases are followed and the different legal actions with their respective action processes. Emphasizing the importance of reporting, to break the cycle of abuse.
Luego de estas presentaciones llenas de bastante información importante, María Josefa Graterol habló acerca de las mujeres en tiempo de la guerra en nuestro país, un estudio que ella menciona, se animó a realizar en inicios de la pandemia, luego de leer incontables libros y hallarse con que, en aquellos tiempos llenos de guerra, muchas mujeres fueron participantes, pero nunca fueron mencionadas y en ciertos casos ocultadas. Ella relataba más que nada, la forma en que las mujeres participaban en esos tiempos, pero no desde la violencia, sino en su papel como informantes y hasta apoyo moral para aquellos hombres que estaban marcados por el infortunio. Debo admitir que quedé bastante atrapada por su relato. Finalmente, se brindaron diferentes herramientas para la relajación, recordándonos que no sólo sufre el cuerpo ante el maltrato, sino también el espíritu.
After these presentations filled with a lot of important information, María Josefa Graterol spoke about women in times of war in our country, a study that she mentions, she was encouraged to carry out at the beginning of the pandemic, after reading countless books and to find that, in those times full of war, many women were participants, but they were never mentioned and in some cases hidden. She recounted more than anything, the way in which women participated in those times, but not from violence, but in their role as informants and even moral support for those men who were marked by misfortune. I must admit that I was quite taken by his story. Finally, different tools for relaxation were provided, reminding us that not only does the body suffer from abuse, but also the spirit.
Me hubiese gustado quedarme todo el evento, dado que una de las televisoras del estado, iba a cubrir lo que faltaba del evento en vivo y en directo. Pero bueno, aunque sea pasé un par de horas distintas y me informé un poco. Es agradable que ésta clase de encuentros se realicen. Ojalá tuvieran mayor alcance, porque la información que recibí, para mí fue interesante, pero para una mujer o cualquier persona que esté pasando por una situación de violencia, sería crucial y de bastante ayuda.
I would have liked to stay the entire event, since one of the state television stations was going to cover what was missing from the event live and direct. But hey, at least I spent a couple of different hours and informed myself a bit. It's nice that this kind of meetings take place. I wish they had a greater reach, because the information I received was interesting for me, but for a woman or any person who is going through a situation of violence, it would be crucial and very helpful.
Muchas gracias por haber leído mi publicación. Espero que les haya parecido interesante.
¡Hasta una próxima oportunidad!
Thank you very much for reading my publication. I hope you found it interesting.
See you next time!
Gender based violence has taken place more often than many report or realize, good to attend and learn more about what is happening to assist woman and children in these situations.
Thanks for sharing.
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That's right, the fact that we are not experiencing that situation does not mean that it does not happen. Thanks to my sister and her work, I have realized that in our country, the numbers of gender violence are alarming. It's sad, but at least there are these types of organizations that seek to inform and help those who need it. Thank you very much for reading the post and for commenting 😊
Getting involved to solve the problem is better than talking about it, something that has to be addressed. Have a great day.
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