Splinterlands Rewards Share Time with some Game Talk
People have been asking for Splinterlands to do something about how the bots are earning in the game and they listened. Once again showing us that they plan to make sure that the real players of this game are earning the most. Yes, you have to spend to get into this but you can earn a lot. I hope you all take the time to learn about the changes and see how they will help you. I try to explain the best I can.
0:00 Intro
1:00 The Changes to Rewards Chest
4:55 Earn Less If You Don't Go Up Leagues
2:50 Party Pass Rewards Each Season
8:05 Collecting Rewards
14:20 Legendary Rewards Going Back up
Now for the giveaway. All you have to do to enter is watch the video at least a bit and tell me what you think. Would be nice if you could sub to my youtube if you haven't yet just to grow it. Now I have a winner from my last Post with a giveaway this player doesn't own much so I hope it helps.

Hey @stever82, the new format looks super clean! I feel like the community could exercise a bit more patience with the new rewards changes. We all knew it wasn't going to be perfect and yabba made it very clear. Let's get a season or two under our belts and give the team the chance to assess which direction we need to move. After all, they are always looking to provide the most value to the player base, so I have full confidence that they will accomplish this goal.
IGN: @kxlm (Youtube sub Valentine92)
The new legendary summoner looks cool. I'm thinking that this summoner will have + melee damage since none of the current water summoner has that ability thus far and since it's a dragon maybe it has flying or + speed then for the third ability assuming that it has three like Grandmaster Rathe, I think true strike is a good option.
IGN: @saydie
From what I hear people get a lot of rewards cards in bronze and silver and at Gold -> Diamond it is really tough and amound of rewards is might actually be down.
IGN: seattlea
Posted using Splintertalk
Hi Steve, nice recap!!! great opportunity to collect more assets in the game!!!!
more power!!!!!!
ign : binongx2
I think it's good that the bots are gone, but it's only temporary in my opinion. Just until they figure out a way to adjust to the new system.
It seems the trend now is to really go for max level cards for your league. Thankfully the rental prices have dropped to somewhat decent levels with the bots exit, but I don't know if it'll last. This lower prices does allow people to pour more DEC into renting a full max leveled deck which does pay off quite nicely.
I fear it could all go really bad real quickly if prices shoot up uncontrollably and the game becomes too top heavy. Whales are good for the game, but as in any real world economy, the wealth and success of the whole system is determined by the size of the "middle-class".
Oh wow I didn't know you can get so many Vouchers currently for the Nodes. Also lets win it back to back. I don't know if that happened before ^^
Great recap as always! Daughter is looking forward to her kitty plushy. IGN: Bluedevil0722
Thanks Steve! I always love your recaps, as I can't normally watch the townhalls myself. Thanks for what you do for the community :)
IGN: @chartle
thank you for the recall!
hope to be able to catch u in SPLTV..
Format looks and get those girls some plushies.
Take my upvotes and leave your dec! Lol
I'm definitely looking forward to the Water legendary splinter! (Tempted to buy a kitty plushie haha)
IGN: dloflex
Very imperative... keep it up..
ign: edskymiguel
A great recap as always, Steve! ;)
Awesome recap! Waiting for the next one.
Great! thanks for the recap
count me in
Thank you very much for the recap!
I really like the reward changes (or at least most of it), seems like the game is getting more competitive
I think the format looks great! Congrats on Splinterlands.Tv you deserve it. Your passion for the game really shows.
I love that as a low level player I get some good rewards currently. I can understand why higher level players may be less satisfied but one thing for sure, I still haven't packed anything great at Bronze + Silver levels.
IGN: holdeck
Liking the new style and the tight rewards video series, it's an interesting time to be sure!
Cheers and keep up the good work
Great video Steve, can’t wait to see you on splinterlands.tv
I like the new recap!
Interesting! Good recap man.
Thank you for another update, I think the new reward system is already an improvement, but the 24 hour focus is annoying, the daily quests would reset to 23 hours, now, every once in a while, we are going to miss a day because of this.
Greetz, @nozem01
Hey Steve, nice video. I like everything the team is doing. From airdrops to loot chests. They know what there doing.
nice format!
Thanks for the great recap! I’m playing in Bronze League an so far I only get a depressingly low amount of FP & SP. I’m glad to hear there’s some hope to better rewards if I’m able to reach Bronze II.
Count me in for the giveaway! Every bit helps 😂 !LOLZ
Great recap, Steve. Thanks! Looking forward to your stream later tonight!
IGN: synist3r