Splinterlands DAO Votes Coming....DEC PUMP?


I had to let you know how I felt about these changes. I lead a presale group of this and again it seems they want to hurt those that supported this sale early. After being in the chaos presale and the riftwatchers and both times maybe losing a ton of value this might stop me from presales.

This new one came out things morning seems like I hit some idea right
LP Changes no more DEC
Validator Node Sale Change to DEC
Riftwatchers Change to DEC

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0.335 PAL


After being in the chaos presale and the riftwatchers and both times maybe losing a ton of value this might stop me from presales.

This is what I'm afraid of. These two proposals should never even have been put forth IMO.

0.000 PAL

Matt's thought behind the outcomes of the possible changes are not illogical. But they should've thought of it beforehand. Kind of feels like a slap in the face that they put this forth indeed. If you don't think the proposals will pass. It might be a good time to pick up a cheap node though: $1354.91084

0.000 PAL

A great summary as always Stever, it is interesting to see such a strong reaction which includes Splinterlands staff. Good to see the staff speak out. I am against this. But then again what the DAO wants.. right?

0.000 PAL

Curious to see if these actually don't pass, given all the apparently public negative reaction against them so far.

0.000 PAL