Hey Everyone! Come Buy My Stuff!
If you say in your marketing that you are 'for everyone' then, in reality, you are for 'no-one'.
In today's hyper-specialised world, you need to be my perfect option.
That means that you need to polarise yourself from 99% of the rest of the population.
This is hard to process as a business owner. We feel compelled to cast the net wide, to capture as much business potential as possible.
But paradoxically, the opposite occurs:
The wider we pitch ourselves, the more we become invisible.
Often I find myself scrolling online looking for a product or service (but not exactly sure what I'll find) and thinking: "nope", "nope", "nope" and then suddenly, "Yes! Where have you been all my life!" .
Also worth noting that price becomes less of a factor: after all, you've successfully positioned yourself as being the ONE for me.
Don't try to be all things to all people.
Be brave and go narrow.
Then narrower still...
It does not even make sense to be for everyone
Stay unique!!!