How Old is the Congress

Yesterday, I saw a video circulating on Twitter (X) of Mitch McConnell speaking to the media. While speaking, something like a stroke or dementia seemed to be happening to him, causing him to stop speaking, and someone escorted him out. In this tweet, the person behind it made a list of how old the people in power are nowadays, which made me think and do some research about them. It made me wonder how wise it is for the American people to be governed by individuals over 80 and whether we need to see a change.

How can the whole world expect the biggest and strongest nation in the world to become more progressive when the people in power are the ones who created the rules, laws, and everything that the US was years back? Now, I am not saying that older people can't contribute with their knowledge and experience, but they should play a secondary role and help guide the younger generation to avoid the mistakes of the old guard.

Mitch McConnell - 81 Years old

Mitch holds the seat of the senator of Kentucky since 1985

Joe Biden - 80 Years old

Biden was a senator since 1973 until he became vice president and the oldest to be elected in that office !

Nancy Pelosi - 83 years old

Nancy Pelosi is a congresswoman since 1987 achieved many positions that was the first time for a woman to held those positions and of course she is one of the best traders out there.

Maxine Waters - 84

The most senior of the 12 black women serving in Congress. Holding the position since 1991 and up until recently the head of the Financial Committee and now being a ranking member.

Chuck Grassley - 89

Chuck Grassley is being elected to the Senate and Congress since 1959

The average age of the 118th Congress is 58 years old, a year younger than the 117th Congress. Comparatively, the median age of Americans, according to the most recent census data, is 38 years old.

The average age of senators in the 118th Congress is 64 years old, this is unchanged from the 117th Congress. There are 54 senators older than 65.

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha


It's really terrifying! Most of these people aren't the sharpest tool in the shed anymore, and probably weren't when they started out either. It looked like a transient ischemic attack (mini-stroke) to me. All these old timers just refuse to let go of their power. Between mini-strokes and dementia Washington DC is becoming even messier, and it was pretty shitty before...


Yes the middle American has almost 20 years difference from the middle congress person


Needs to be a max age like you have to retire at 65 or something. These people are fuckin crazy in the head and not capable.


Yeah, ther definitely should be some cut off. It is getting silly. One of the major issues for me is that 80+ year old people are completely out of touch with a lot of the issues of modern society. When you look at the way they think about crypto currency and technology in general. They can even have an intelligent conversation about it,let along make laws.

I always think about that guy who called the internet a series of tunes. Haha


Yes an age ceiling must be put in place at some point but until then people have to start changing the way they vote. If you think about it a lot of people have as senator Chuck Grassley their whole lives !


Yeah, and when you think about it, this kind of defeats the whole purpose of 2 term presidents. At least in my opinion. Sure, the president gets swapped out so they can't turn into dictators, but effectively, when you have the same lawmakers in office for their entire lives it effectively creates the same problem. Instead of one guy running things forever, it is the same group of old codgers making decisions for everyone for our whole lives.
