Are We Good Or Bad?
Hey Guys.
Today, I had a really big argument with one of my friends. The theme of this heated conversation was whether we humans are good by nature or bad by nature.
Let’s start with the positive, yeah? Most people believe that humans are good. Everyone believe that babies are good? Sure, they cry when they’re hungry or tired, but have you ever seen how a little kid tries to comfort someone who’s upset? That’s pure, unfiltered empathy right there. No one taught them to care, they just do it.
And let’s not forget how humans have survived over time. We didn’t make it because we were the fastest or strongest animals out there. We made it because we worked together like packs. Cooperation and helping each other out? That’s built into us. It’s like our survival secret.
So, in a world without laws, maybe we’d still be decent to each other. Small groups of people who trust each other seem to get along just fine without too many rules. Think of close-knit families or communities where people naturally look out for one another.
Now, let’s flip the coin. Other people say humans are naturally selfish and bad. And honestly, they’ve got a point too. Look at history—wars, greed, stealing, lying. That stuff didn’t invent itself. And if you’ve ever seen kids fight over toys, you know that sharing doesn’t exactly come naturally. Only when a parent or teacher steps in kids share without a fight.
This guy Thomas Hobbes, a philosopher from way back, thought humans left to their own devices would create a world of chaos. He called it a “war of all against all,” which sounds dramatic but maybe not too far off. Think of what happens when there’s a shortage of something like food people kill each other without a second thought .That’s the selfish survival instinct kicking in.
Without rules, would people still help each other, or would it be chaos ? It’s hard to say. But laws, education, and punishments definitely push us to think beyond ourselves.
So, What’s the Truth?
Honestly, I think we’re a bit of both. We’ve got the capacity to be really good, to help, share, and care, but also the potential to be really selfish and even cruel. Which side comes out depends a lot on the situation.
Take a disaster, for example. Some people will risk their lives to save strangers, like during floods or fires. Others will price-gouge or loot. Same event, totally different reactions. Why? Because people are shaped by their environment. If you grew up being taught to look out for others, you’re more likely to do it. But if you’ve always had to fight for survival, your instinct might lean toward “me first.”
This mix of good and bad is probably why we need rules in the first place. In small, close communities, trust and cooperation might work fine without laws. But when you’ve got millions of strangers living together, like in cities or countries, you need something to keep everyone in check. Otherwise, it’s too easy for the selfish side to take over.
Think that. Without traffic laws, some people might still drive safely because they’re naturally careful and considerate. But others? They’d speed, cut people off, and cause chaos. The laws don’t make good drivers good, but they do keep the bad ones from doing too much damage.
So, are humans good or bad?
Maybe we look at good and bad through a human lens. Maybe there is no such thing. There is possible, and impossible. And impossible might only be impossible due to the conditions of the time and once conditions change, the impossible can be possible.
However, this is a copout for your question.
So, maybe similarly, good and bad is contextual, time-based. Bad on one situation is good on another. So, perhaps what sets them apart is wisdom, not capabilities. We all have the possibility to commit acts of love or violence, and sometimes they might look like the same act, but with wisdom applied, there is the context of what is appropriate in the moment.
If people were wise, there would be no war. If they were wise, we would help each other be our best as individuals, and that would mean we would be our best for the group also. But wisdom comes with the right kinds of experiences and reflections.
I don't know if we are bad or good, but as a species, we are fucking stupid.
True this is completely through human lens.
Most of the time, wars happen because the people behind them are driven by greed. They crave fame, every leader dreams of having their name mentioned alongside Napoleon or Alexander the Great. They let their vanity destroy millions of lives, but in the end, they all end up in the same place. Yes, we know Alexander the Great, but guess what? He’s dead. So, despite our infinite capacity for knowledge and curiosity, we prove ourselves to be incredibly stupid.
We have the knowledge that we should learn from the mistakes of others, but not the wisdom to do so.
Doomed to repeat.
The Zoroastrians believe that we were neither good nor bad until we had will and knowledge. Once we had will and knowledge we made decisions and the essential duality of nature became human nature.
I think that sounds pretty reasonable, although I'm not a Zoroastrian. This actually accords pretty much with your conclusion: we are both good and bad, depending on the the circumstance, and the person.
A question without an answer is not one I usually think about. 😄
Don't really know about Zoroastrians but i believe they are correct.
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Amazing pictures!
You answered it right, we’re a bit of both. We’ve got the capacity to be good as well as bad, and the decision depends on our approach that develops based on our upbringing. We always teach our kids to be good, but at times they still lean towards “me first.”, which sometimes justify as well, because if you are not comfortable yourself, then you can't help others.
For example, I would help my friends going to any extent, not thinking about myself, but my kids will keep something for them at least, not to end up in streets :)
Lot's of times in order to help others you first must be safe yourself or believe that you are safe.
This term "war of all against all", I heard it somewhere before. Previously, I was with the impression that humans are inherently good but the more I grow older, the less sure I am of that. Putting good and bad on a spectrum, I think we constantly fluctuate across this spectrum based on a myriad of factors, some external, some internal. But one thing is for sure, we're messy and complex creatures
Yes the answer is not that easy and it does not apply in any situation.