Building the World Back Better


Brandon wants to build the corruption back better than it was, and fully subservient to China as well. Can you say, *** Social Credit Score?***

I knew you could...

What I am actually talking about in this post is building a new society like the one we used to have. It was a trustworthy society. If you got hurt, you knew you could go to the emergency room and would be treated by a professional who studied anatomy and science.

But now, all credibility of hospitals and doctors has been lost as they have bowed to payoffs to diagnose covid at every turn. They have murdered people with ventilators and remdesivir right before the family's eyes (behind a glass partition). There is no way to restore trust in people that have sold their souls in that way. They had once sworn an oath to do no harm - above all else.

It could be the fact that many were urged to kill children up to full term as part of their training? That would start to deaden the soul a bit in preparation for out-and-out killing of people. Who knows. The damage is done.

I am currently looking for a doctor who can diagnose and treat me at home. I refuse to go to the hospital for any reason. There are thousands of stories being told by family members whose loved ones were injected with the killshot instead of receiving CPR while having a heart attack.

The hospital is the worst place you could be taken if you are having difficulties with health or if you have been in an accident.

The police cannot be called when there is a serious problem like a robbery or rape. They are more concerned with unlawful mandates and guidelines than with human life or dignity. (in general)

Traveling rental contracts and obtaining licenses or visas are all contingent on thoroughly disproven unscientific norms that grew out of fear over the last two years.

The earth is is headed into something that looks like severe fascism with no basic infrastructure for healthcare, medicine, government, justice, protection or emergency services.

Communities will have to build back these services privately very soon or many will die from lack of care.

I hope to find a doctor who has quit due to unlawful mandates (I mean, ones that were not enacted by the legislature). I will hire that person and fund their practice to serve the ones who have not bought into this stack of lies that were all build one on top of the other.


La verdad es asombrosa esta información. Gracias por compartir


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