Dread Mar I return to Venezuela and I will possibly miss it
Dread Mar I, a reference of reggae in Spanish returns to Venezuela after approximately 10 years after his first visits, I in particular have not been able to see him, I was even in the same place of one of his presentations but I could not coincide and this happened in 2018 in Monterrey, Mexico at the Festival "Pal Norte" that day let's say to explain that his presentation was on stage number 3 and I had to work on stage number 1, that is to say on the other side of the Fundidora Park in Monterrey.
I could say that Dread Mar I is one of my biggest musical influences in reggae, I met them many years ago with one of their iconic songs "Tu sin mi" I would like to share this song with you from Dread Mar I's official channel:
In those days this song was the right one for the sentimental moment I was going through, a song with a heartbreaking message of love and also of spite, it is also good to clarify that this song crossed barriers of reggae in Spanish.
Now during these years my fanaticism and affection for the music of Dread Mar I has gone beyond "Tu sin mi" and I could consider the song "Sálvame" in its live version as one of my favorite songs in "live" format but better a demonstration and for that I share with you this song in live version, I think you will understand why it is my favorite.
As you can imagine I am really fan of Dread Mar I and I am very excited to go to what so far is his only presentation in Venezuela this year after a long time without coming, this presentation will be on April 27 at the Concha Acústica de Bello Monte, the cheapest ticket is around $ 40, my current situation does not allow me to make this expense but I could still say that I have two months left to find ways to gather to go to this precious presentation.
Curious fact, in the official accounts of Dread Mar I this presentation is not announced, a matter that generates some confusion among people like me who are his followers, although however it is also good to say that the artist has not updated his publications in his Instagram network regarding his upcoming presentations so it remains to trust the Venezuelan producers that in this case have proven to be professional in their work.
Finally I would like to recommend another song that has a very strong message and even today many people still have different interpretations of that message, it is "Mas allá de tus ojos", I will also share a live performance of that song, it is impressive what causes Dread Mar I, enjoy:
Los mayores de los éxitos
Espero que tengas oportunidad de disfrutarlo en vivo
He is really good artist, I am so close to be his fan too 😅
Apparently Dread Mar I is very well liked, that's phenomenal 🎉
Bueno, el precio mínimo es bastante asequible. Soy fan de sus canciones más conocidas (cómo las que mencionaste) y me encantaría ir! 🙌🏻 No tenía idea que pensaban venir, gracias por compartirlo.
Voy a estar muy al pendiente de sus redes o que noticias salgan para terminar de verificar que realmente vendrá a Venezuela.
En caso de que vayas ojalá lo disfrutes mira que son pocas veces que se da esta oportunidad. Saludos!
Bueno, estaré atenta a tus publicaciones para saber! 😂🙌🏻
Confirmado, oficialmente hoy Dread Mar I ha publicado en su feed de Instagram
Genial! Gracias por avisarme