I have always imagined when I was younger, if I was given the opportunity to make a wish, what would I do. The truth is as we progress in life, our wish changes do to life experiences along the way. I knew about this while I was young so I always heard this in mind; If a magical person approach me to ask me to make any wish, I would wish for 10 wishes and make every last wish count as a renewal but truth is, even if I get this opportunity of making a wish, I am sure a condition would come that I cannot renew any wish I make.

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So I am sitting here thinking, if I am to make a wish what wish would I make; is it to be a millionaire, is it to wish for a better world, is it to wish there is no corruption in this world, I seriously don't know. It is so hard to sit on a place and finalize on what wish to make because whatever wish you make would surely affect your present, future and that of your coming generations.
If I am to make a wish for a better world, the truth is there is never an idea meaning of a better world. The world as I see it even though many imperfections is perfect because it is a result of people's decisions. Wishing a better world today, does not mean it would not come back to way it was once.
To think of corruption, forget it, corruption is not something that can be taken away like that. I don't think it is possible to totally remove the fact of corruption from the earth because people would always remain people.

And like every human, I am selfish 😂😅 to some degree, I would not want to waste a wish. I totally want something that would be of most beneficial to me, so far it is my wish to make. So my wish has to be something that would change everything, what I mean by everything is not only my life but that of my generation as well. What wish would be better than that? So I wish that:
That would be my wish, and you know what, prosperity means so many things. From wikipedia prosperity can mean: flourishing, thriving, good fortune and successful social status. Prosperity often produces profuse wealth including other factors which can be profusely wealthy in all degrees, such as happiness and health.
What wish would be better than having good health, happiness , flourishing, having good fortune? If this wish happens, then definitely, my status on Hive would be affected. On a norms, I would generally wish for a million Hive power to support so many articles on Hive but the thing is, that wish would become a waste because it is too narrow.
I can have a million Hive power but I might be facing life struggles, or health problems and anything can happen if Hive doesn't happen to last as we expect it too (I totally pray it does), then what would I say would happen to my wish. it would be a total waste.

With prosperity, I can attain success in everything I set my mind to and that way I believe not only me but my children's children would be successful in all their endeavors effortlessly. Over this wish of prosperity, there would even be high possibility of me making the one million hive power without having to directly wish for it and boom, I get almost everything I want physically (health matters) and materialistic with just one wish and not just me, my generation's generation gets the same thing too.
Starstrings01 AKA Giftedhands is a Hive lover, a Nigeria musician (Guitarist) and also a student who studies Mechatronics Engineering in the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta.
His goal on Hive is to be more than a regular blogger but something more; someone with a purpose. That’s one of the reasons why he founded the newbies initiative @newbies-hive to help guide and support newbies. Kindly click here to follow @newbies-hive curation trail.
He battles and struggles with balancing education and being active on the chain but yet his love and passion for Hive keeps him on balance.
My only wish is to be president of my country. The only reason is that the president has all the power. I have seen with my own eyes how the poor are robbed of everything by corruption, I have seen how people die for lack of food and I have seen how a helpless country becomes the food of a big country. So I want to establish a country where there will be no misery and no abuse of power. I know it will never be fulfilled, but even then I will see only dream of this one death.
Thanks Dear Professor ❣️ for such a exceptional post ❣️
Wow. I hope your wish come true but those dreams would be hard to accomplish but definitely can be done.
Awesome comment by you too.. Gracias!
This your wish ehn, I wish I wished your wish, hehehe 😂😂, that's on a lighter note.
I love it how you think of yourself as well as others, that's how it should be. You should love yourself just the way you love others, even the heavenly Father agrees to that, so I believe your wish will come through.
Amen... My wish would come true. Yeah for loving myself, I so much love myself 😁😌😌😌.. Amen, my wish would come true 😁😁
Yes it will 😊😊.
If your father's bloodline downward forever remain prosperous that means heaven on earth 😀🤩, that's a great wish!
Well I wish to be wealthy, not rich oo, I mean very wealthy so that my passion of touching lives positively will be fulfilled the way I planned it already and not being limited currently due to financial constraints.
Hmm, awesome. Yeah rich is limited to a term but being wealthy covers a lot like the way being prosperous mean. 😁😁😁
Sure, you got it!
I would have written my own entry before the deadline if it hadn't been for the power outage.
My only wish is for my mother and father to reconcile and reunite. As much as I dislike how my father drove out my mother because he wanted to marry another woman, he is my father, and I still love him; without him, I would not have been born.
My wish may seem weird, but I want my parents to start living happily under the same roof without any misunderstandings.
that's a very noble desire of a child for the good of the family, I found many similar ones when I asked that question to my students, and the answer touched me, it turns out that the biggest wish is to see his parents back intact as before, I pray that your wish will come true , there is nothing strange about this wish
Amen, thank you so much
sorry to hear about the misunderstanding between your parents, hopefully everything would get better for them and such would never happen to your life.
May your wish come through
Being young gives big wishes but growing up brings up the reality. Thanks for sharing this bro.
Yeah we get to see how much reality can be as we grow of age. I appreciate your comments brother!
If I were given one wish, the first request I would make is to make me a great person, in any case I will definitely raise the status of a family that is always looked down upon by others. That's what I always plant every time I go to work
yeah, make use of that wish man and enjoy yourself.
Please @starstrings01 I want to join the hive learner's community. How will I start.
I went through this community, I was inspired by people's content here.
Thank you
smiles, you were inspired by upvotes 😅😂. Join through the discord channel here:
smiles, you were inspired by upvotes 😅😂. Join through the discord channel here:
😂 not really by the upvotes only @starstrings01. Have learnt a lot here, quality content and also desire to deliver good content like what have seen here.
Thank you. I will soon join the discord.
You've made a nice wish and mine is also similar bit in addition, I wish that God continue to protect and guide my family like he has aless been doing. Amen
Hmm, that is a nice wish. Having your family in mind. May God grant your wish ijn, Amen.
Amigos acá les dejo mi deseo.😊
si tuviese la oportunidad de pedir un deseo pediría un corazón más fuerte que no se quebrantara ante nada, porque ya que no puedo cambiar muchas cosas y ni siquiera el planeta donde vivimos. Con un corazón más fuerte puedo soportar mis batallas ante la vida, los logros, darle un gran aliento a quien lo necesite, tener en el mucho espacio para las alegrías, soportar los tropiezos, las tristezas, las guerras las miserias, (en todas sus extensiones), sin que me doliera tanto, lo demás lo puedo hacer yo mientras tenga fuerza y vida.
Feliz noche para todos.
Hopefully, you wish come to pass.. Thanks for your input
Wishing for more wishes... smart but I think it will be against the rules. Have you watched Alladin?😎
When I have seen the kind of life I have lived, I totally understand why Prosperity is important in one's family. I would not let my children go through the kind of want that I did.
That is a great wish, thank you for sharing this with us.
yeah, I have watched alladin and I remember that rule.. yeah, very true. Prosperity is an important factor in life.
Wow, this your wish surely is everything in one. Who wouldn't want to prosper in every endeavor, surely prosperity is what we strive for every day of our lives, to the point where we take a lot and give a lot. You're really insightful my friend and I know for sure that you'll make that wish come to pass in your family.
If I could have one wish.. it'll be shitty and greedy but I'll wish for an infinity wishes, if that was ever possible, it really would come in handy ...
Great post @starstrings01 , glad I stumbled on it ,,❤️🥺
Eiiiiii this wish
But of course, I wouldn't want to make one wish without being of great benefit to me so you are not selfish fam
I pray your wish comes true
Smiles... Yeah, my wish my benefits 😁😁😁
Thank you brother!
Amen to this and yours too 😁
They asked you for a wish, you made 10 lol. At a point you don’t know what more to wish for.
My wish is to make a very huge good difference in my blood line....I have always thought of myself to be different from others but nobody sees that except from myself.....all I want is make a good huge difference and your wish is huge and I hope it comes true
The people doing V2K with remote neural monitoring want me to believe this lady @battleaxe is an operator. She is involved deeply with her group and @fyrstikken . Her discord is Battleaxe#1003. I cant prove she is the one directly doing the V2K and RNM. Doing it requires more than one person at the least. It cant be done alone. She cant prove she is not one of the ones doing it. I was drugged in my home covertly, it ended badly. They have tried to kill me and are still trying to kill me. I bet nobody does anything at all. Ask @battleaxe to prove it. I bet she wont. They want me to believe the V2K and RNM in me is being broadcast from her location. And what the fuck is "HOMELAND SECURITY" doing about this shit? I think stumbling over their own dicks maybe? Just like they did and are doing with the Havana Syndrome.
They are reckless and should have shown the proper media what they had before taking me hostage for 5 years.
What would you say while having a gun pointed at your head from an undisclosed location? Have people find it? My hands are tied while they play like children with a gun to my head. Its a terrorist act on American soil while some yawn and say its not real or Im a mental case. Many know its real. This is an ignored detrimental to humanity domestic threat. Ask informed soldiers in the American military what their oath is and tell them about the day you asked me why. Nobody has I guess. Maybe someone told ill informed soldiers they cant protect America from military leaders in control with ill intent. How do we protect locked up soldiers from telling the truth?