AI in My Daily Life: My Everyday Superhero

With the development of Artificial Intelligence (AI), the way we work and interact in our daily lives has undergone a drastic change. Many of us have grown fond of using AI in our daily activities and now often ask ourselves, How were our lives before the introduction of AI tools like chatbots and the rest.


We ask ourselves these questions because we cannot imagine how fast we would have been able to solve our problem and challenges without the use of AI. And even if there was another way of doing so, we sure know how tedious it would be not to even discuss about being expensive too.

I am not exempt from being part of the use of AI; in fact, it is my number one go to when I am in need of an answer to a question. Would it be an assignment from school, or something I randomly come across and want to understand better, AI is where I ask these questions.

When I mention AI, which one do I refer to, as there are many forms of AI now. We have ChatGPT, Gemini AI, Copilot, Bing, Claude AI, Perplexity AI and even Chat-pdf.

Ways AI can be used without being Abused

With the advancement in AI, I must say that I am scared to some degree that AI might get to have a mind of its own and choose to act in ways that could affect humanity. Just like how it is in the movies, I am very afraid that something like this can later happen.

Take, for example, this recent Atlas movie that was made. You will see how humanity was at war with AI, and I must say it took luck to win against something that is quite smarter and more intelligent than you and can also predict your actions long before you do.

To keep AI from being abused, I believe there should be a system where humans can monitor the decisions made by AI or validate critical decisions made by AI. It is important that there are ethical guidelines for the use of AI, and that people get to know about the deep fakes that exist in today's society. There is a lot more that can be done to keep AI used without being Abused.

How I use AI in my daily Life

As earlier mentioned, there are many AI tools available out there, and I will be sharing the ones I make use of and why I do so. Let us begin


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This is the king of all chatbots out there. It was developed by OpenAI. When it comes to asking questions generally, ChatGPT is always my first option, or the first thing that comes to mind. I use it mostly to ask questions when I am coding, most of the time. I believe that ChatGPT will be more intelligent in that case.

I use ChatGPT for assignments as well most especially when I am given some assignments to write in document format and submit. What I do in that case is to write a prompt to chatgpt and tell it to make it in a downloadable pdf format.

For example I was given this assignment in school

Pick an agricultural process, then explain the types of automation principles
and strategies for automating that process.

I copied and pasted it on ChatGPT and immediately asked it to make it a downloadable pdf format. See images below scroll right to look through the images

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Google Gemini


I make use of google Gemini when I want to make research on products, items and specifications. Since Gemini is owned by google I feel it will do better in such areas by being updated if there is any update or changes to the specifications, I believe the chatbot will be updated.

Another point when I use Gemini is for when I want to make title for my Hive posts. Most of the time, I just copy my whole post, and ask Gemini to give me a title. Based on its suggestions, I will then form my post title. It gives better suggestions compared to using ChatGPT.



This is my one place to go anytime I want to understand a pdf document, especially when it comes to a textbook shared in school. I will only have to upload the pdfs and ask them questions. I do this very well when I want to study for examinations. It makes it easier for me, and I don't always have to read through the whole material.

Although there is a limit, you can do the same thing with Copilot now. You only need to open the PDF with Microsoft Edge and then ask questions from the PDF through Copilot.

Is AI good on its own, or is a good prompter required for good content?

The truth here is that if AI was good on its own and there was no need of a prompter, then there will not be anything like Prompt Engineering in the first place. Just as it is required for you to learn how to ask good questions to a fellow human, friend or colleague, so that you can get the best answer according to your question, it is the same to AI.

AI cannot read our minds and feelings to know what we want and the best format to give it to us, this is why there is need to know how to make creative prompts to AI.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Oh wow
Gemini makes a lot of sense. Can I download it on an iPhone?


I don't actually know if you can download it for iPhone or not. I have not been making use of my iPhone of late. But you can make use of Gemini through your web browser

Also I heard that OpenAI and Iphone are having a collab, so this means you will have access to AI for sure on the iPhone.


Don't know why but I visited that site twice and did not create an account. As if I am scared of something Idk. But it's nice to know that you have prepared it for every small and big task of your daily life and you're enjoying it. :)
Sending Love and Ecency Vote!


I love Gemini and chat-gpt so much, but I haven't used Chat-pdf. I think I should try it out

Less I forget, you are not the only one scared that AI might turn against us one day 😂 and truth be told, this my fear came from the Atlas movie too 😀


Lol.. you watched the Atlas movie and you became scared...

Hopefully they don't turn on us. I am sure there are people who make sure AI is used ethically and monitor the activities.


AI is helpful in many ways. It can be a great tool but like you said, it needs a good prompter. It's fascinating how it brought a new course (i.e. Prompt Engineering). Just how fast things are evolving these days.


Yeah and I sure there are more course that will be birth for AI. More jobs will be requirred to make sure AI is properly managed and well utlilized.


Hmm...I don't use Gemini much anymore. I am using using Meta AI and GPT. Chatpdf is something that would have been very useful for me even I was in school.

Did the link to the PDF work?


It worked only for the first 24 hours. Doesn't work any longer. I would have shared it.
