🗣️ Hot Goss At My School, & A Lot More! 🏫



I would like to share some hot gossip at my school, which I don't normally do except when I'm with my dad. Also other stuff.


I've been wondering why my phone has a lot of pictures even though I don't really take pictures. When I check my phone all I see is picture of my classmates and random stuff. Well the thing is my friend Ah Hak, and my deskmate took the pictures when they borrow my phone.


I found some good pictures but most of them are bad and really blurry, so there are not much I can use for the post. I don't know why they like my phone so much and they also use my iPad to take pictures when I don't have a phone yet. Well that person who did that the most is my ex-bestfriend Sokra, my iPad is never free when she has access to it.


My class has like 5 kind of students, the first one is the one who always study, the second one is the one who always take the loudest, the third one is the gamer, the forth one is the quiet one which is me, and the last one is the gossiper they are always somewhere hidden. To be honest I kinda like being around the gossiper because they always have beans to spill even if most of the times is about boys. I basically know which boy in my class has the most crush too, because desk is right next to the gossiper and it is hard to listen.


She sat behind me and her name is Pilyka, she and I are kinda friends I think. For me she is probably the most beautiful girl with no makeup on. I never really know about the other girls who wear makeup looks like without them, but I'm sure they are pretty maybe not so on the inside. Those girls (not Pilyka) are like sweet and kind in front of like teachers and stuff, but they always take bad about teachers, students, siblings, and sometimes their parents. I mean I sometimes tell embarrassing stories about my sister, but most of the time it is only like how she ran and fall, or broke her teeth and that's it. Also I only tell that to Ah Hak (my best friend) and sometimes Khanna.

Monkey B

0.009 PAL


😂 This happened to me. I couldn't take pictures like that. Pictures of my classmates and my family and nature took up more space on my phone. You have given a good idea about your class. Good luck to you.

0.000 PAL

Most of the times I didn't took pictures of my classmates because some of them doesn't like their pictures taken, and I don't want any hates. So the easiest way to get pictures is to give my phone to my classmates. Have a nice day.

0.000 PAL

I'm following You, Asking you out and dating you period 😂😂😂😍😍😍😍

0.000 PAL