The Surgery Solace || Angel By The Wings.

One Good Thing About Music, When It Hits You, You Feel No Pain.

_Bob Marley

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Most persons on earth (both music lovers and non music lovers) have that particular song that triggers off some memories for them.

The music might not actually be the best song they've ever heard even from the artist in question nor from the music world at large but it somehow ends up triggering these memories.

In my own case, I have a particular song like that... A song that triggers off a victorious memory for me.
It's no other song other than....

Song Name: Angel By The Wings

By: Sia.

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I had an eye surgery in 2018, this was the first time I've ever been the patient for a surgery.
It was really not a cool experience.

If you've ever done a surgery before you would understand exactly what the experience is like...your heart will keep jumping up and down with your minds roaming around every aspect of what the outcome could be (Mostly the negatives, I don't know why)

It was an eye surgery so my greatest fear was the doctor making a mistake Which would leave me blind for life.... It really wasn't something I would wish on someone else.

It was amidst these turbulent time that I discovered the song.
I saw the video of the song play in the hospital television... I already knew the artist, Sia before now though but not this particular song

It was really amazing and I switched on my data immediately and downloaded it.

I kept on playing it and it granted me comfort...... A solace for the roaming mind.

The tension grew bigger when I wore the hospital surgery gown and was about to be wheeled inside the theatre, I continued playing the song until I was told to drop the phone few minutes before getting wheeled in.

Coincidentally, the surgeon that did the surgery was playing the same tune... I was like, wow, what a day, lol.

It was on repeat until I finished my surgery... My focus was on the song and not the surgery.

Image designed using my picture via Canva

The surgery went well and even until now, I'm still enjoying this tune and whenever I play it, I'm reminded of my successful eye surgery experience

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What about you, do you have any song of such that triggers pleasant memories for you?

Thanks for reading through 👍

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Una cosa buena de la música, cuando te golpea, no sientes dolor.

_Bob Marley

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La mayoría de las personas en la tierra (tanto amantes de la música como no amantes de la música) tienen esa canción en particular que desencadena algunos recuerdos para ellos.

Puede que no sea la mejor canción que hayan escuchado nunca, ni siquiera del artista en cuestión ni del mundo de la música en general, pero de alguna manera acaba desencadenando esos recuerdos.

En mi caso particular, tengo una canción así... Una canción que me provoca un recuerdo victorioso.
No es otra canción que ....

Nombre de la canción: Angel By The Wings

Por: Sia.

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Tuve una cirugía ocular en 2018, esta fue la primera vez que he sido el paciente de una cirugía.
Realmente no fue una experiencia genial.

Si alguna vez has hecho una cirugía antes de que usted entendería exactamente lo que la experiencia es como ... su corazón seguirá saltando arriba y abajo con sus mentes vagando alrededor de todos los aspectos de lo que el resultado podría ser (En su mayoría los negativos, no sé por qué)

Era una operación ocular, así que mi mayor temor era que el médico cometiera un error que me dejara ciego de por vida. .... Realmente no era algo que le desearía a otra persona.

Fue en medio de estos tiempos turbulentos cuando descubrí la canción.
Vi el vídeo de la canción en la televisión del hospital... Ya conocía a la artista, Sia, pero no esta canción en concreto.

Era realmente increíble, encendí mis datos inmediatamente y la descargué.

Seguí reproduciéndola y me dio consuelo...... Un consuelo para la mente errante.

La tensión aumentó cuando me puse la bata de quirófano y me iban a meter en el quirófano. Seguí escuchando la canción hasta que me dijeron que soltara el teléfono unos minutos antes de que me metieran en el quirófano.

Casualmente, el cirujano que me operó estaba tocando la misma canción... Yo estaba como, wow, qué día, lol.

Se repitió hasta que terminé la operación... Mi atención se centró en la canción y no la cirugía.

Imagen diseñada con mi foto a través de Canva

La operación salió bien e incluso hasta ahora, sigo disfrutando de esta melodía y cada vez que la toco, me acuerdo de mi exitosa experiencia de cirugía ocular

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Y tú, ¿tienes alguna canción que te provoque recuerdos agradables?

Gracias por leerme 👍


Wow. What a story. As a matter of fact, I do have songs that actually trigger similar experience. I've come to learn I'm a man of many emotions. Memories usually linger for ages in my head, sometimes positive other times negative, but they always fade away temporarily. It usually depends on the song I play Whenever I'm in a place, makes me never forget the place or remember the first time I got there, or even my overall experience of the particular place or situation.

The doctor listening to the song must have been a sign that it'd be a successful surgery. Happy it was.

Thank you for sharing your beautiful experience with us bud. Now I need to go listen to this Sia's masterpiece


Hehehe.... Humans actually are embodiment of many emotions just that sometimes it gets various things to trigger them.

In my case, it was music
It might be many other things as well.

I am glad it was a successful one....
Thanks a lot for reading me and leaving a comment, I really appreciate.

I'm sure you would love the song, Sia really did great there


I'm glad everything went well. He who does well, does well. How nice that you were helped a lot by the music and you found refuge in it.

A thousand blessings, take care @sperosamuel15


You're welcome
Thanks for reading me and leaving a comment


The tension grew bigger when I wore the hospital surgery gown and was about to be wheeled inside the theatre,

I have been on this situation for 3 times and I perfectly understand how it feels

Good you found that comforting song
So suitable for your condition then... just wondering how the doctor was on same tune at the time they asked you to drop Ur phone...our God is great

Glad everything went successful
Nice story here


It's really not an experience that's fun.
I was very surprised seeing the doctor okay exactly the same tune honestly... But well, maybe it's his favourite also

Yep... I'm happy the surgery went well and thanks for reading and leaving a comment


Glad you're fully recovered and that is behind you now. Music does wonders for our state of mind. :)


I'm glad it went well, and I'm glad you're better now. I'm sure that you can never forgot that song and it's impact in your life, especially when you were down.


At all... Whenever I play the song, it springs up those victorious memories

I think it's inscribed there already


Nice reflection! 👍 How is your sight doing?



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