SHARE YOUR BATTLE!!! Chaos Knight Edition ESP/ENG
Vamos con la batalla! Es una batalla interesante y complicada ya que peleamos contra el invocador Kelya Frendul, añade 1 de velocidad y 1 de escudo a sus cartas, todos saben el dolor de cabeza que es agua con los oportunistas en este momento, son poderosos y destruyen cualquier estrategia empezando la partida, en mi caso use al General Sloan que solo me aporta nivel, la tematica de la batalla es que todos somos oportunistas asi que mi contrincante como es mas veloz tendra la ventaja de atacar primero!
😝Definitivamente de esta estrategia cambiaria mi invocador, Lorna Shine o Mother Khala me habria salido muchisimo mejor!!!
🤡Lo hice solo para poder utilizar una de mis cartas con un nivel mas alto ya que tengo al General Sloan en nivel 2.
👉 Como invocador tengo al General Sloan, lo queria aprovechar para aumentar el nivel de una carta pero no valio la pena.
🤜El invocador del contrario es Kelya Fredul.
👉En primer lugar tengo a nuestro protagonista Chaos Knight! Esta ahi para soportar los golpes del tanque contrario mientras las otras cartas hacen el trabajo de destruir al enemigo, si no logra hacer su trabajo la batalla estaria perdida muy rapidamente! Mi tanque esta al nivel 3, lo cual lo hace mas fuerte.
🤜El tanque contrario es serpent of eld nivel 1, complicado porque es muy rapido y ademas tiene la habilidad de esquivar.
👉Detras de mi tanque tengo a Silvershield Knight, ya que quiero darle mas ataque a mis cartas de segunda linea y tambien al tanque!
🤜El contrario en la misma posicion tiene Hardy Stonefish!
👉En tercer lugar tengo a Stitch Leech en nivel 3 y con uno mas de ataque, asi que pegara bastante fuerte, es parecido a un Sandworm medio con solo 3 de mana!
🤜 En la misma posicion mi oponente tiene a Ice Pixie con magia, complica a mi tanque ya que no tiene mucha vida. 😦
👉En 4to lugar tengo al oportunista Celestial Harpy, ademas volador, lo puse cerca de la ultima posicion en caso de que mi contrincante quiero atacarme por la retaguardia.
🤜Mi oponente tiene en la misma posicion a Deeplurker el oportunista dolor de cabeza! 😣
👉En quinto lugar tengo a Soul fiend una carta legendaria muy util con 0 de mana, lo puse ahi para contrarrestar mas los ataques por la retaguardia o ser carnada de oportunistas.
🤜Mi oponente pone a un Albatross con la misma intencion de protegerse la espalda y esta es su ultima posicion.
👉En la ultima posicion pongo a Furious Chicken, otra carta de 0 de mana para reforzar aun mas mi retaguardia.
🤜Mi oponente no tiene posicion! 😛
Let's go with the battle! It's an interesting and complicated battle as we fight the summoner Kelya Frendul, she adds 1 speed and 1 shield to her cards, everyone knows what a headache it is with opportunists at the moment, they are powerful and destroy any strategy starting the game, in my case I used General Sloan who only gives me a bettter level, the theme of the battle is that we are all opportunists so my opponent, as he is faster, will have the advantage of attacking first!
😝I would definitely change my summoner from this strategy, Lorna Shine or Mother Khala would have been much better!!!
🤡 I did it just to be able to use one of my cards with a higher level since I have General Sloan at level 2.
👉 As a summoner I have General Sloan, I wanted to take advantage of it to increase the level of a card but it was not worth it.
🤜The opponent's summoner is Kelya Fredul.
👉First of all I have our protagonist Chaos Knight! It is there to withstand the blows of the opposing tank while the other cards do the job of destroying the enemy, if it does not manage to do its job the battle would be lost very quickly! My tank is at level 3, which makes it stronger.
🤜The opposing tank is serpent of eld level 1, complicated because it is very fast and also has the ability to dodge.
👉Behind my tank I have Silvershield Knight, since I want to give more attack to my second line cards and also to the tank!
🤜The opponent in the same position has Hardy Stonefish!
👉In third place I have Stitch Leech at level 3 and with one more attack, so it will hit quite hard, it's similar to a medium Sandworm with only 3 mana!
🤜 In the same position my opponent has Ice Pixie with magic, it complicates my tank since he doesn't have much life. 😦
👉In 4th place I have the opportunistic Celestial Harpy, also flying, I put him near the last position in case my opponent wants to attack me from behind.
🤜My opponent has Deeplurker the opportunistic headache in the same position! 😣
👉In fifth place, I have Soul Fiend, a very useful legendary card with 0 mana, I put it there to counter more attacks from the rear or to be baited by opportunists.
🤜My opponent places an Albatross with the same intention of protecting his back and this is his last position.
👉In the last position I put Furious Chicken, another 0 mana card to further strengthen my rear.
🤜My opponent has no position! 😛
Este es mi enlace de referido por si aun no juegan este maravilloso juego! LINK DE REFERIDO
Todas las imagenes las hice con canva o le tome screenshot a la pagina de Splinterlands.
This is my referral link in case you haven't played this wonderful game yet! REFERRAL LINK
I made all the images with canva or took a screenshot of the Splinterlands page.
@tipu curate
Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 38/48) Liquid rewards.
Thanks for sharing! - @marianaemilia
Congratulations, good work!