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Ha habido mucho revuelo por los recordatorios de las reglas de Rising Star, porque eso han sido, solo recordatorios, mucha gente no lee las reglas y cree que no estaban y al ver los recordatorios piensan que las reglas son nuevas y no es asi LAS REGLAS SIEMPRE HAN ESTADO.

En este video en Español voy a hablar de las reglas en Rising Star, quizas te saques una duda!

There has been a lot of commotion about the reminders of the Rising Star rules, because that's what they have been, just reminders, many people don't read the rules and think they were not there and when they see the reminders they think the rules are new and that's not so THE RULES HAVE ALWAYS BEEN THERE.

In this video in Spanish I'm going to talk about the rules in Rising Star, maybe you'll get a question out of your mind!

regls rsi.jpg

Bots, Cuentas Múltiples y VPN

  • No se permiten bots ni "clickers". Esto significa que cualquier cosa que utilices para ganar ventaja que no sea hacerlo tu mismo sera causa de ban.

  • Solo se permite una cuenta por usuario. Esto significa que no puedes tener mas de 1 cuenta, sin importar cual sea el caso.

  • Solo se permite una cuenta por dirección IP y localización física. Esto significa que nadie mas en tu hogar puede jugar el juego si tu ya lo juegas.

  • No se permite usar VPNs, servidores proxy, etc. Esto significa que si quieres ser multicuenta con VPN no se puede, seras baneado, al detectar VPN te baneara automaticamente, No significa que no puedas usar VPN, ya que si juegas con tu red normalmente y usas VPN no pasara nada siempre y cuando el juego detecte la red principal local.

  • Los NFTs pueden ser intercambiados pero no regalados. Esto significa que el comercio esta permitido, lo que no esta permitido es regalar nfts para que otro usuario gane una ventaja que no ganaria jugando por el mismo.

  • No se pueden regalar STARBITS/STARPRO (eso incluye convertirlos en otras crypto para regalarlos). Esto significa que no puedes pasarle a otro jugador crypto sin recibir nada a cambio y que lo use en rising star.

  • Se honrado y no intentes engañar a la gente para que haga malas operaciones. Muchos usuarios querian poner ofertas engañosas en el market, en otras palabras estafar a otros usuarios para que compraran sus cartas a precios que no eran los reales usando solo 11111 haciendo parecer que era mucho menos, esta es la unica regla que no estaba escrita antes, Rising Star es una comunidad bastante honorable asi que estaba demas decirla, mantente honesto en la comunidad y disfrutaras sus beneficios!

Bots, Multiple Accounts and VPNs

  • Bots and clickers are not allowed. This means that anything you use to gain an advantage other than doing it yourself will result in a ban.

  • Only one account per user is allowed. This means that you cannot have more than 1 account, no matter what the case may be.

  • Only one account per IP address and physical location is allowed. This means that no one else in your household can play the game if you already play it.

  • VPNs, proxy servers, etc. are not allowed. This means that if you want to be multi-account with VPN you cannot, you will be banned, when detecting VPN you will be automatically banned. It does not mean that you cannot use VPN, because if you play with your normal network and use VPN nothing will happen as long as the game detects the main local network.

  • NFTs can be traded but not given away. This means that trading is allowed, what is not allowed is to give away nfts for another user to gain an advantage that he/she would not gain by playing for himself/herself.

  • You cannot give away STARBITS/STARPRO (that includes converting them into other crypto to give them away). This means that you can't pass crypto to another player without receiving anything in return and have them use it in rising star.

  • Be honest and don't try to trick people into making bad trades. Many users wanted to put misleading offers on the market, in other words scam other users to buy their cards at prices that were not the real ones using only 11111 making it look like it was much less, this is the only rule that was not written before, Rising Star is a pretty honorable community so it goes without saying, stay honest in the community and you will enjoy its benefits!



Mucho cuidado con esta parte, la carta de Millonario, no es transferible, no es comerciable y su valor es 0 la unica manera de obtenerla es pidiendola y cumpliendo los requisitos que son 1000 fans, nivel 50 y tener 1.000.000 de starbits en hive engine. Si alguien te trata de vender una de esas cartas te quieren estafar, si tratas de vender la carta te van a banear.


Be careful with this part, the Millionaire card is not transferable, it is not tradable and its value is 0, the only way to get it is by asking for it and fulfilling the requirements which are 1000 fans, level 50 and have 1.000.000 starbits in hive engine. If someone tries to sell you one of these cards they want to scam you, if you try to sell the card they will ban you.


Si te llama la atencion Jugar Rising Stars puedes unirte AQUI

Todas las imagenes las hice con CANVA.

Hasta la proxima!!!

If you are interested in playing Rising Stars you can join HERE

All images were made with CANVA.

See you next time!


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