Tasting Colombian coffee.



Hello coffee lovers, today I want to tell you about my experience tasting Colombian coffee. But before I tell you my experience, I want to tell you how I got my hands on this coffee.

The thing is that about a month ago, my boyfriend had to travel to Bogota Colombia for work, it was a short and little planned trip that came out unexpectedly, so he was not entirely encouraged, because it also coincided with some commitments that we already had, to which I went alone, but this is another story.

The point is that he had to travel for two days to the neighboring country and as he knows that I love coffee and that Colombia is a country known for the coffee it produces, he promised me that he would make time in his work schedule to bring me a coffee from his trip.

The trip was a bit chaotic for him because of the lack of planning for this, so he could only go to a supermarket that was near the hotel where he was staying, but the other problem he had was that in the area where he was staying they only accepted the local currency, that is, the Colombian peso, and there were no exchange houses nearby, so he only had the amount of pesos equivalent to 10 US dollars that he had left from the payment of the hotel room.

The first thing that caught my attention is the price of coffee in Colombia, and I'm sure you're wondering why the price was so relevant to me? The reason is that in Venezuela, which is where I live, coffee is very expensive. Half a kilo of coffee can cost between 7 US dollars to 10 US dollars, not to mention instant coffee or a coffee brought from another country, where the costs could double. While in Colombia, my boyfriend with approximately 10 US dollars bought a kilo of ground coffee and two instant coffees flavored with whiskey.

but having said all this preamble, now let's get to my opinion about coffee.


The brand is called OMA, when reading the label we see that it says that it is made in Colombia and it is a medium roast and fine grind coffee. That is to say, this coffee should have a strong but not excessively bitter taste.

The first thing I did, and I believe that all coffee lovers do, was to smell it, and here I was slightly disappointed, since the aroma of this coffee is very roasted, almost burnt.


Already with the smell I was not very convinced, but I proceeded to prepare it in my new coffee maker, of which I owe you a post dedicated only to it and its wonderful benefits because it is like having a professional coffee maker but in a much more economical version, but I will talk about this later.

Add the measures of water that I usually use to prepare my coffee with milk and wait for the magic of the coffee maker.

Once ready I happily went to drink my coffee in my christmas mug that I love because it is quite big and has space to put a cookie hahaha. But wow, here I had a second disappointment.


If there is something we humans have is to believe that we are going to get a different result when everything tells us that the result will be one, and this is because the coffee did not taste very different from its smell. A very burnt and even bitter taste, the color was very dark but when I added more milk or water it lost its flavor.

My boyfriend asked me my opinion about the coffee and I did not have the heart to tell him that I did not like it and since he does not drink coffee I decided to do a very practical exercise with him, I asked him to smell the coffee that he brought me and the one I had at home which is of the san antonio brand, which for me is the best coffee that is currently on the Venezuelan market, when comparing the aroma he agreed with me regarding the quality of the coffee.


My conclusion about coffee is that in spite of the fact that coffee in Venezuela is quite expensive, we produce a coffee of excellent quality, with this I do not mean that Colombian coffee is bad, because it is not necessarily so. I believe that it is a coffee with a very particular flavor, a little more burnt and that we are not accustomed to this type of coffee, we tend to like it a little more aromatic, less burnt and strong but with a roasted flavor.

As we always say in our country: there is a taste for everything. So if you like a more bitter type of coffee, you may like this coffee.

This was all my account of my experience tasting Colombian coffee, I hope you liked it and that my experience will be useful if you have to choose coffee on a trip.


Photos taken with my phone.

Translation by Deepl.com free version

0.000 PAL


Wow estoy realmente sorprendida con tu reseña y hay varias cosas que me generan curiosidad.

En el momento que vi la foto del café Oma realmente me alegré porque es una de las marcas colombianas de producción masiva que más consumo. La otra es Juan Valdés que es muy famosa pero esa logro conseguirla fuera de cColombia sin problema, en cambio Oma no se consigue fuera, es por eso que cuando alguien viene de Colombia siempre me traen un paquete de Kilo igual que ese.

Obviamente es cuestión de gustos y que no a todo el mundo tiene que parecerle todo igual de maravilloso. Pero mientras te leía fui justamente a oler el paquete de ese que estoy usando ahora a ver si es que yo no había puesto cuidado pero la verdad es que me pareció bastante correcto

Es verdad que en cafés de especialidad y producción mas pequeñas puedes apreciar olores y sabores mas complejos, ricos y con mucho más gusto. Eso es realmente lo que hace a Colombia tan famosa, pero dificilmente los conseguirian en un supermercado.

Yo el Oma lo ultilizo para hacer café de filtro tipo Guayoyo, como se dice en Venezuela y resulta bastante bueno para ese fin. Me imagino que en una maquina automatica de espresso el sabor sería muy potente, creo que la cuestión está en el método de elaboración. Aquí pensando en tu experiencia, pero es solo una idea.

Bueno creo que al final lo importante es que él tuvo ese bonito gesto contigo y buscó la manera de llevarte un recuerdo especial con el dinero que le quedaba. Es una experiencia para haber probado una marca distinta y saber que cosas no te gustan para futuras referencias jajaja

Wow I am really surprised with your review and there are several things I am curious about.

The moment I saw the photo of Oma coffee I was really happy because it is one of the Colombian mass-produced brands that I consume the most. The other one is Juan Valdés which is very famous but I can get it outside of Colombia without any problem, on the other hand Oma is not available abroad, that's why when someone comes from Colombia they always bring me a package of Kilo just like that one.

Obviously it is a matter of taste and that not everyone has to find everything equally wonderful. But while I was reading you I went to smell the package of the one I'm using now to see if I hadn't been careful, but the truth is that it seemed to me to be quite correct.

It is true that in specialty coffees and smaller producers you can appreciate smells and flavors that are more complex, richer and with much more taste. That is really what makes Colombia so famous, but it would be difficult to find them in a supermarket.

I use the Oma to make Guayoyo filter coffee, as is said in Venezuela, and it is quite good for that purpose. I imagine that in an automatic espresso machine the flavor would be very powerful, I think the issue is in the brewing method. Just thinking about your experience, but it's only a thought.

Well, I think that what is important is that he had that nice gesture with you and found a way to give you a special souvenir with the money he had left. It is an experience for you to taste a different brand and know what things you don't like for future references hahaha.

0.000 PAL

In the market there was an employee of the brand who was in charge of recommending the styles of coffee depending on the taste of the person and she told him that this was the best selling coffee, even preferred by Colombians over more famous international brands.

I could try brewing it with a sleeve (cloth) and not in the greca machine or in the espresso machine to see if I can take better advantage of its flavor without it being so strong for me.

Thanks for reading and commenting.

En el mercado había una trabajadora de la marca que se encargaba de recomendar los estilos de café dependiendo del gusto de la persona y justo le dijo que ese era el café más vendido, incluso preferido por los colombianos sobre marcas más famosas a nivel internacional.
Podría intentar hacerlo colado con manga (tela) y no en la maquina greca o en la de espresso a ver si puedo aprovechar mejor su sabor sin que sea tan fuerte para mi.
Gracias por leerme y comentar.

0.000 PAL

Hazlo guayoyito a ver si te cuadra, colado sería buena opción o si no ponle un poco menos de cantidad a la Greca. Bueno qué cosas, espero que no vuelvan a ocurrirte decepciones así.

Do it guayoyito to see if it fits you, strained would be good option or if not put a little less quantity to the Greca. Well what a thing, I hope you don't have disappointments like that again.

0.000 PAL

If you want to try Colombian coffee I always order an americano at Starbuck, you know that it was my first coffee and I really enjoyed it very well :D

0.000 PAL

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0.000 PAL

I think you are right. Colombian coffee is known for its intense flavour, so many coffee connoisseurs would be keen on it. I'm happy that you got to sample it and compare both in prices, and in taste.

That's a thorough review.
Thanks for stopping by:)

0.000 PAL

Thank you very much. I really enjoyed being able to try something different from what I'm used to and see the variety that surrounds us even in something as universal as coffee.

0.000 PAL