Let's look for history at the end of the ocean my #weekendengagement.



Dear friends once again for these spaces to share in the #weekend-engagement, this theme is becoming more and more creative, it is even difficult to decide on a single topic. If you still do not know here I leave you the link.

This time I chose the theme of Up or Down because it seemed to me a very interesting topic to imagine and discuss.

On the web and in the most relevant news of the world and of the most millionaire people that inhabit it, there are disputes on this topic, life is relative and there are those who prefer to explore space and others like to rummage the past looking for treasures and exploring the bottom of the ocean.


If we go to Holiwood, there are more movies that awaken the passion for the exploration and conquest of the universe than of our own planet. This is where my decision to explore begins, although space and the unknown of the universe sounds very fascinating I prefer to dive into the ocean and explore it.

The first thing that makes me decide to explore the ocean is that it was the first means of transportation that communicated the world, besides if we go to the biblical stories and history classes the oceans were born after the mainland.

According to the bible it was partly a product of the flood that strengthened and separated the continents, and if we go to the earth science classes after being pangaea the only continent separated into several forming the ones we currently know, scientifically you can see in the images of the globes how the continents are like a puzzle where each one connects with the other.

That is what makes me want to explore the ocean because by doing so I can learn more about the history of the earth, perhaps find missing links in the history of mankind, also with each shipwreck we get a little piece of history of how people lived before on earth.


It is becoming more and more frequent to see how, as a result of global warming, spaces of land are being lost, but also evidence of lost civilizations is being found. Therefore, why explore space if we still have a long way to go to know our own planet and the potential it still has to give us.

Another advantage that brings the exploration of the oceans is that they are relatively sustainable projects because at the bottom of the sea there are so many shipwrecks of millions of $ in gold and precious stones that to get any of these can cover the expenses of the expedition, according to the books there are many travel logs of ship robberies between crowns and civilizations that speak that in the ocean there are more than six trillion $ in fortunes that ended in shipwrecks.


This just looking at it from the economic point of view now let's imagine a little bit all the flora and fauna that is still undiscovered that I think this would be one of the most fascinating opportunities that the underwater world offers us.

That is why I conclude my argument with the firm decision that I prefer first to rummage as much as I can at home before going out to see and explore the rest, for example, what did I gain by knowing the beaches of Mexico if I still have many beaches to know and enjoy in my country Venezuela.


This has been my participation and point of view I hope it is to your liking and valid for entry into the contest.

Thank you for reading my lines and may God bless you greatly.

The photos are my own from some family trips and the one I do not own is identified with its source.

0.014 PAL

Excellent my friend @soychalbed this participation of yours; one could not expect less. I totally agree with you that the human being (to generalize) prefers to explore the outer space than the interior such as the oceans. Behind everything is the power, the hegemony and not the scientific to improve the planet. Congratulations my friend for this very good content. Let's keep visiting beaches. A hug.

0.000 PAL

I hope you liked it my friend, I hope you are well these days because of internet failures I saw that you had a birthday but about three days later hehe excuse me for that one.

0.000 PAL

My brother, don't worry. You are in the VIP area of my friends.
Your publication, excellent.

0.000 PAL