Accompany me to the Cathedral of Our Lady of Guadalupe in La Victoria, Aragua State.


Dear friends once again here, I continue with my sequence of showing the buildings of the historic center of my city La Victoria Aragua state Venezuela.

This time I took advantage that it is Saturday and attended mass at the cathedral of the city, this church since the pandemic does not have its doors open all day as before which made it difficult for me to capture images from inside.

Today Saturday as it is customary to perform baptisms if it is available and open so I did not hesitate to approach to pray to God for the health of my children, prosperity for my family and why not to take good pictures to describe it in my blog.

The church of Our Lady of Guadalupe is the cathedral of the city, this church dates its construction from around 1500 when it is considered that the town was founded and taken from the Indians of the sector by the Spaniards in times of the colony.

La Victoria, being an area close to Caracas, was always in view of the Spanish settlements and favorable to its development, the city for a long time had one of the largest agricultural areas in the center of the country and was a transit area between Caracas and Valencia.

It was also adjacent to the great hacienda San Mateo owned by the Bolivar family (property of the family of the liberator), this cathedral is the only witness of more than 500 years of history of the city, price earthquakes, guerrilla battles and much more.


It is so large and imposing that being able to capture its facade from a single angle is very difficult, plus the square that matches its entrance has trees to provide shade that block the view from the background.


According to urban myths, under this cathedral there is a network of tunnels that served both as a refuge and as escape routes in times of war.

In my student days I remember that in a class they told us a review of the church documented by the historian of the city where it is said that in an earthquake the church collapsed the bell tower and had to be rebuilt so you can appreciate the differences in architectural styles in its facade and bell tower.



In its side facade we can appreciate the large trapezoid-shaped columns that support the structure are so robust because its construction is made of mud and stones that were the materials used at the time, I also consider that it was a challenging work for the time because it is very high I think it reaches about four floors to make a current relationship.


Inside we can appreciate the beauty and magnitude of its spaces accompanied by the representative saints of the Catholic religion and the virgin to whom it owes its name.



In the heights the roof that surrounds it is made of wood and clay tiles but with luxury finishes for its time and that are still preserved, the chandeliers that illuminate the interior try to recreate the originals but are already modern with LED lights and electric power.



In the lobby of the church we can get many plaques of recognition and other famous moments of the city, according to my grandparents and uncles tell me the center of the city revolved around the church and the square, it is until about 50 years ago that the city began to grow and modernize that the city was further developed, I could also see in the parish house how the church was an agent of legality of the city, I saw books of more than 200 years old with the date of marriages, baptisms and deaths registered by the parish priests of each era.




Entering a place so spiritual and loaded with so much history you feel the energy and as the saying goes if you are walls will speak hehehehe.

How nice to be able to visit places like these and also to be able to take my children and tell them what little I know, I also tell them that I am organizing the development of a family tree of my family since it came to the country and I know that most of the information is in the church soon I will put into action to locate family deaths and birth records to have history to tell my children to grow up and that family history does not die with our ancestors.

Thank you for joining me on this visit and God bless you greatly.

The photos are my own taken with the Infinix Hot 10 i cell phone.



Queridos amigos una vez más por aquí, sigo con mi secuencia de mostrar las edificaciones del casco historico de mi ciudad La Victoria estado Aragua Venezuela.

En esta oportunidad aproveche que es sábado y asistí a la misa en la catedral de la ciudad, está iglesia desde la pandemia no posee sus puertas abiertas todo el día como antes lo que me dificultaba capturar imágenes desde su interior.

Hoy sábado como se acostumbra a realizar bautizos si está disponible y abierta así que no dude en acercarme para pedir a Dios por la salud de mis hijos, prosperidad para mi familia y porque no a tomar buenas fotos para describirla en mi blog.

La iglesia nuestra señora de la Guadalupe es la catedral de la ciudad, está iglesia data su construcción desde alrededor de los años 1500 cuando se considera que fue fundado el pueblo y tomado espacios de los indios del sector por los españoles en épocas de la colonia.

La Victoria por ser una zona cerca de Caracas siempre estuvo en vista y miras de acentamientos de españoles y propicia a su desarrollo, la ciudad por mucho tiempo tuvo una de las zonas agropecuarias m grandes del centro del país y era zona de tránsito entre Caracas y Valencia.

También fue lindero de la gran hacienda San Mateo propiedad de la familia Bolivar (propiedad de la familia del libertador), está catedral es el único testigo de más de 500 años de historia de la ciudad, precio terremotos, batallas guerrillas y muchas cosas más.


Es tan grande e imponente que poder capturar su fachada desde un solo ángulo es muy difícil, además que la plaza que hace juego con su entrada posee árboles para dar sombra que tapan la vista desde el fondo.


Según cuentan los mitos urbanos bajo está catedral hay una red de tuneles que servían tanto de refugio como de vías de escape en épocas de gerra.

En mis épocas de estudiante recuerdo que en una clase nos hablaron una reseña de la iglesia documentada por el historiador de la ciudad donde se cuenta que en un terremoto la iglesia se le desplomó la torre del campanario y hubo que reconstruirla por eso pueden apreciar las diferencias de estilos arquitectónicos en su fachada y campanario.



En su fachada lateral podemos apreciar las grandes columnas en forma de trapecio que soportan la estructura son tan robustas porque su construcción es de barro y piedras que eran los materiales que se utilizaban en la época, también considero que fue una obra desafiante para la época ya que es muy alta considero yo que alcanza unos cuatro pisos por hacer una relación actual.


En su interior podemos apreciar la belleza y magnitud de sus espacios acompañada de los santos representativos de la religión católica y la virgen a quien le debe su nombre.



En las alturas el techo que la arropa es de maderas y tejas de arcilla pero con acabados de lujo para su época y que aún se preservan, los candelabros que iluminan el interior tratan de recrear a los originales pero ya son modernos con luces LED y energía eléctrica.



En el lobby de la iglesia podemos conseguir muchas placas de reconocimiento y otras momentos célebres de la ciudad, según me cuentan mis abuelos y tíos el centro de la ciudad giraba en torno a la iglesia y la plaza, es hasta hace unos 50 años que la ciudad empezó a crecer y a modernizarse que se fue desarrollando más allá la ciudad, también pude ver en su casa parroquial cómo la iglesia era un agente de legalidad de la ciudad, ví libros de más de 200años de antigüedad con la data de matrimonios, bautizos y decesos registrados por los párrocos de cada época.




El entrar a un lugar tan espiritual y cargado de tanta historia se siente la energía y como dice el dicho si estás paredes hablarán jejeje.

Que bonito poder visitar lugares como estos y además poder llevar a mis hijos y contarles lo poco que se, también les cuento que estoy organizando el elaborar un árbol genealógico de mi familia desde que llegó al país y ya se que la mayor parte de la información está en la iglesia pronto me pondré en acción para ubicar los decesos familiares y los registros de nacimiento para tener historia para contarles a mis hijos al crecer y que esa historia familiar no muera con nuestros antepasados.

Gracias por acompañarme en esta visita y que Dios les bendiga grandemente.

Las fotos son de mi propiedad tomadas con el celular Infinix Hot 10 i.



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What a good story, I did not know the church of La Victoria, I have gone very little to that city and never to the church. It is very beautiful and old as you say. It would be nice to see the tunnels if they really are there.

Que buena historia, no conocía la iglesia de la Victoria, he ido muy poco a esa ciudad y nunca a la iglesia. Está muy bonita y antigua como bien dices.
Sería bueno poder ver los túneles si verdaderamente están.


Dears translates into English is important for the community,

Yes, the tunnels do exist, just imagine the level of contacts you must have to have access to them, in fact there is a story of Manuelita Saenz and Bolivar in those tunnels during the war of independence.

Amiga traduce al inglés es importante para la comunidad,

Si bueno lo de los túneles si existen solo que imagina el nivel de contactos que debes tener para tener acceso a ellos, de hecho hay una historia de Manuelita Sáenz y Bolívar en esos túneles cuando la guerra independentista



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I like that inside the church it has the architecture that I think is uniquely south american meanwhile on the outside, it's like European styled building and semi-fortress like. How long ago was it built?


It was built around the 1500's. What varies in its facade is because with an earthquake the bell tower fell down and had to be restored many years later.


Oh wow! that's pretty old architecture and looks like it's stood till until today. It's also nice that there are restoration efforts to it as well.


God willing, they will really restore it, because recently they restored another building and only painted it, they didn't take care of the real details that make it look as it should.


Wow,I'd love to visit this church and feel the same energy. A church with so much history and prestige. Do you know if those under ground tunnels still exist? The building is very beautiful and the archi did a very nice job with the design


If the energy is really incredible, the tunnels should still exist but with the politics we have in the country there is no access to them, if I were the governor of this city I would make them part of the tourism.


if I were the governor of this city I would make them part of the tourism.

Exactly, people would troop in and pay a lot to see that. I think they're just reserving it for themselves or they're using it to store something important that they don't want the world to know about (just thinking out loud) lol.
