Highlights for Lifestyle and Catarsis By @soy-laloreto | Week # 30

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Greetings to all! Each week, I'll be choosing 5 outstanding posts that will be curated by the @msp-curation account. These posts will come from the Lifestyle and Catharsis communities.

Without further words, these are this week's posts:

! [Spanish] ¡Saludos a tdos! Cada semana estaré escogiendo 5 publicaciones resaltantes que serán curadas por la cuenta @msp-curation. Estas publicaciones serán provenientes de las comunidades de Lifestyle y Catarsis.

Sin más nada que decir, estas son las publicaciones de esta semana:

Highlights: Week #30

¡Solo COSAS BUENAS pueden pasar! [ESP-ENG]

By @veronik28dic

Today I start the week and the month with great enthusiasm, with everything organized and goals planned. It seems to me that when that happens only good things can happen. I have a lot to do but first I want to thank for what I have left behind but also for everything I have learned during this great year.

Reviviendo malos recuerdos de aquel apagón del 2019 (ESP-ENG)

By @geneleori

For the month of March 2019, we experienced a national blackout that lasted approximately 5 days and left the country in darkness. Days of uncertainty, darkness and fears left more than one with traumas. A few weeks ago, in my city Cumaná, one of our substations exploded, leaving almost the entire city in the dark at dawn. Imagine being in the dark, with only the stars and the moon shining, completely cut off from communication because there was no internet or telephone data signal and not knowing when the lights would come back on in the early hours of the morning and the bad memories of 2019 were coming back. It was a dreadful night and they managed to solve it the next day.

Un Vistazo al Retrovisor

By @orita0

I've gotten to where I am and I don't even know how...I've fallen more than I could count but I always get up, some would say it's perseverance and for me it's more like...obligation, many times I've had to force myself not to give up, because I've wanted to.

The extra-pictorial event. [Eng/Esp]

By @hiramdo

I learn via WhatsApp my friend Tobias's invitation to the Museum of Valencia is an opportunity to recreate my personality. I accept my friend's invitation to the closing of the MUVA Art Network, 1st exhibition of the Experimental Group XERO extrapictórico, made up of artists and plastic arts teachers from the Carabobo region. I check the date, time, and place. Aha, yes, it's Saturday at two in the afternoon in the Sala de Arte next to the museum. I invited my grandson, and he confirmed that he would accompany me with an intense and brief nod of the head. I am attracted by the extra-pictorial content that is introduced into my fixation as an element that provokes a transformation with everyday life. I set off in the early hours of the morning to fulfil my family obligations. The movement of the clock is inexorable and I blow my soul to keep the flame burning, to maintain a promising, effective and consistent flight through the places I have to go shopping in the local market in the city of Naguanagua.

WOK night at dinner time

By @marialeovalless

Night of delicious dinner and my first time tasting SAKE, Japanese drink with very high alcohol content, special for cold and spicy, this night was accompanied by successes, first experiences, new experiences, gratitude and happiness, surrounded by invaluable people that you know immediately that they put heart to everything they do.

And these were this week's posts. See you more next week with more great posts.

Y estas fueron las publicaciones de esta semana. Nos vemos más la próxima semana con más publicaciones geniales.

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