Highlights for Lifestyle and Catarsis By @soy-laloreto | Week # 29

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Greetings to all! Each week, I'll be choosing 5 outstanding posts that will be curated by the @msp-curation account. These posts will come from the Lifestyle and Catharsis communities.

Without further words, these are this week's posts:

! [Spanish] ¡Saludos a tdos! Cada semana estaré escogiendo 5 publicaciones resaltantes que serán curadas por la cuenta @msp-curation. Estas publicaciones serán provenientes de las comunidades de Lifestyle y Catarsis.

Sin más nada que decir, estas son las publicaciones de esta semana:

Highlights: Week #29

Deshacerse de un dolor después de año y medio... | Getting rid of a pain after a year and a half...

By @ladylein

These last two weeks have been very very strong and painful, I have gone through a process of inflammation quite notorious caused by an infected tooth and being that insufficient I received a blow in the lower part of the jaw being with the latent pain, it was a very painful moment, too much I would say, I think even my eyesight was darkened, the blow was given because: “I was going to lift Celine, the family's little dog to mount her in the car where they were going to take her home and she pushed herself at the same time bumping into me with a lot of strength I must say, she is small but very robust” and actually it was not her fault, but it was a big blow and big, big pain at the same time. .. I endured as much as I could until I got home to take painkillers to try to ease the pain. It was difficult, I had a somewhat turbulent night.

Adiós Puerto Cabello...


By @orita0

But as everything has its end, now it's time to return home, this trip was unexpected, with little money but with a lot of desire to know and share...living these moments make me feel so grateful with my life, with my friends and Hive, which allows me to make these trips with my savings and share them with you, thanks to all of you melon hearts, for reading me and supporting me.

Ice cream and positive friendships. 😄🍧 [Eng/Eng].

By @hiramdo

Greetings, dear community of hivers, it is a pleasure to share new and renewing experiences with family and friends. Obviously, in particular, I nourish myself with these spiritual exchanges to strengthen my internal coexistence, with myself and with my fellow men. Whenever I visit the city of Naguanagua, I always make contact with my friends. It is special to meet Daisy and her daughter. I have precious memories of my stay in the state of Carabobo. So, I call my grandson Alejandro to share the invitation of my friends and sisters, Deisy and her daughter. The time is right to get to the space, it is five forty-five past the meridian. We hurry to get to the appointment early, we go along the edge of Salvador Feo La Cruz Avenue. My boy stands out with his pace ahead of mine. I'm following the feeling of friendship. He is tasting the flavour of the delicious ice cream inside his fantasy. Surprises always abound in these magnificent encounters.

[https://peakd.com/hive-187189/@ulisg/a-rich-tour-of-the-ingenio-park-eng-esp](A RICH TOUR OF THE INGENIO PARK (ENG-ESP))

By @ulisg

After a long walk through the park and enjoy its green areas in the company of the children, you end up hungry and thirsty, but here in this park is no problem, there are plenty of stalls where you can enjoy all the variety of food and refreshing beverages.

[ESP-ENG]✨Hive: This is what my days are like writing for my blog.✨

By @valenpba

I clean up everything I messed up because if the house is messy, I can't keep writing haha. After this, I continue with the rest of the posts. When I have them all ready, I read them again to correct them and start with the layout and placing the relevant images for each one.

And these were this week's posts. See you more next week with more great posts.

Y estas fueron las publicaciones de esta semana. Nos vemos más la próxima semana con más publicaciones geniales.

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Gracias bella por la mención y el apoyo muy agradecida.besos😘


@soy-laloreto natiiii gracias gracias por el apoyo mi preciosa 🥹 recién me salió la notificación ❤️
