Coldplay - Fix you (Short acoustic cover)


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First time singing a cover with the new Mic I'm still discovering this new era , i found some difficulties background noise and environment noise in general , plus the best position of the mic still learning about the editing too video after video you'll see things becomes better after finishing with audio issues i will focus on the video and start recording with my camera instead of the smartphone so i can give professional quality but i hope all that hard working and money spent on equipment and these stuff will gained by the community too sometimes or most of the times i post a video and it stayed at 0 interaction even if it is great , anyways hope you enjoy this short cover of Fix you by Coldplay, if you did feel free to upvote and follow for more great stuff.

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0.014 PAL

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0.000 PAL

Didn't know about your music talent!! Congrazt!! I really enjoyed your version... nice relaxing voice + guitar.

!discovery 34

0.000 PAL

This really is amazing. U made me emotional.

I love your finger picking technique.

Keep the good work up!
Much love from this angle🙂✅

0.000 PAL