My Alarm Said That I am Annoying

Hello everyone hope you are doing very well today and that your day is going well too.

Keeping to time is very important on our journey to success and if we do not keep to time, it takes so much from us.
Time cannot be redeemed so as such we should learn how to adhere to our alarms.

Most people have formed the habit of setting their alarms but do not adhere to it. Your alarm is your instructor as far as you set it to remind you are concerned.
Most of the time we make our alarm ring for a very long time but we do not do what we are supposed to do.

I used to fall victim to that too, as my normal ring and I would not do what I set it for or do what I set it for at that moment.

If my alarm could talk, it would tell me how annoying I can be at times because every time it rings, I do not pay any attention to it or do what it is telling me to do immediately.

I set my alarm to remind me of many things, like waking up to pray or read, posting on the hive, or going to the market. Anytime I set my alarm to remind me to wake up for my morning devotion, I find it very difficult to stand up from the bed, I even stretch out my hand to turn it off at times because I feel it shouts a lot.

My alarm can be very loud, and it can wake you up from a deep sleep. My alarm helps me to do so many things but I disappoint it most of the time.
If my alarm had hands and legs too, it would also get up and lift me from the bed.

There are times I sleep very late and want to also wake up very early my alarm would ring and ring but to no avail, the funniest part is that when it rings, I normally get up to turn it off.
And if my alarm had eyes to see, it would cry an ocean of tears for me.

What I would advise us to do to adhere to our alarms would be:

Set your alarm to ring thirty minutes before the time you want to do the actual thing.

Do not be lazy to do a particular thing, especially if it is a profitable thing.


When am too tired to get up, I either turn it off or reset it for thirty minutes later. When it rings again, I reset again. On those days, if my alarm could, it would pounce on me.


The 30 mins thing before the actual time, people actually do that? Most often when i am setting an alarm my mind is already tuned to that and so i just need to hear the ring and i should be up

