Look Beyond The Work

Personal growth is the knowledge you seek personally apart from the one you are given by people through various ways. You need to work on yourself by yourself sometimes so that you will be able to appreciate the time you spent doing that. If you only depend on what you are given, you may go far, but the process will be very slow as you would be depending on other people for your growth who may not really have much time to impact enough on you to become that person you want to become. You need to know that if you are given the opportunity to grow in any aspect of your life, you do not have to just get every piece of knowledge from people; you also need to play a part in growing too, as you will never forget those things you learn by yourself.



If you are a worker, you need to go for some professional training to keep up with what you were taught in school, as this always boosts confidence and makes you better than you were. In your place of work, you need to be outstanding, and this does not just come because you are there; it comes because you paid a price for it, and the price you should pay for being better is growth. Do not want to stay where you are kept; strive to grow above that place to be outstanding. There are people that their companies cannot do without because of how good they are in the workplace, and even if they resign or are due for retirement, their copies still keep them with enough benefits. Like they are being begged to stay because of how competent they are in whatever they are doing. This can happen to anyone if people see beyond their salaries and wages. You need to see beyond your salary or wages and look at everything you do as an opportunity to fulfil your purpose in life. If you're working, then you need to understand that after receiving your salary or your wages, there are people there for you to touch their lives, and when you are out of that place, they can never forget you. You need to understand life this way, because that will keep you after your retirement. There is something apart from work and money that makes you happy and gives you joy when you are doing it; that is what is called purpose. It is what drives your passion for work; it is what tells you to do this or not do this.

Creating an impact as a student was always my watchword when I was in university. After classes, I would volunteer to teach people for free and make sure they were able to pass their exams. This passion burned out because I did not really do better in basic school, so I wanted everyone to do better in their education. I would finish teaching people in school, and after that they would want to pay, but I'd say no to them, not because I was too rich. After my stay at the university, even till now, those people cannot forget the favour I did for them. I believe in sowing into the future, so I did not ask for money. Who knows if that thing I did for people will pay off even when I'm no more? Maybe children will have to enjoy the seed I was sowing or maybe my grandchildren.

Grow beyond what you get from people as a reward for your service and live in what the future holds for you in their lives. Life is more than work and money.
