Late Night Foodie (A Bad Habit)

Hello everyone hope you are doing very well today and that your day is going well too.
Habit is very easy to form, but it is very hard to do away with.
Research tells us that after twenty-one days of doing a particular thing, it sticks to us and can be very hard to do away with it

Many just started doing a particular thing as a joke, not knowing that they would do it for the rest of their lives, thereby making it impossible for them to stop doing it.

I was always warned by my mom to stop late-night food but was to no avail.
I started eating late-night food when I was living in the hostel. Our boarding mistress would tell me not to, but I refused.
She even reported me to my parents when they came to visit me but I paid no attention to anyone.

Whenever I went back home for holidays, my parents would monitor my movement so as not to take late-night food but I don't know how I used to do it, I would always eat late-night food.

I always feel that, if I do not take the food in the night, I will not sleep well. It went into my subconsciousness and it stayed there till now.
I can stay for a whole day, without taking anything around, and at the end, I would want to eat or feel like eating late.
When everyone gets to bed, that is when I get up from the bed to maybe boil water for tea or cook any pasta I can reach.

Late-night food has disfigured my shape because it makes me feel very weak in the morning and makes me wake up very late in the morning.
Late-night food makes me very hungry when I wake up, and makes me sleep in the early hours of the morning.

I have always wanted to work on my tummy, but I don't think that would be possible because I don't when I'm going to stop late-night food.

Guys I need help it has become part of me that if I don't eat late in the night, I become restless.


aww night eating is so not good and I say this from the perspective of a health worker, please do better with this habit because its implications could impede your health in the days ahead

