Forever Is A Long Time


Hello everyone here hope you are doing well and that your day went well too.


Would I want to live forever?
I don't think so or maybe for some important reason, I would say yes.
I have two answers for this question and I have some reasons for those answers.

I would want to live forever because I have so many plans for humanity and my life as well.
If I live forever, I would add to some of the plans for humanity and myself.
It is always said that life brings hope and if I live, I would think of new things to do to enhance the life of humans
Forever is a long time, and living forever means living without dying I used to think deeply about my old age.
What if I grow old and I can't walk anymore and start depending on people to live. ?God forbid! I hate surviving out of pity so I would choose death if that happens.

I would not want to live more than how it is supposed to be, so as not to become useless, not contributing to anything on earth.
Some people become old but they are still agile and strong.
But some people become very even before they grow old.
I would not want to experience that, so I would choose death.

At a particular age in my life, I would be resting from working physically unless impacting knowledge in people because that is the only thing old people do because they may not really have the strength to do physical work again, so they sit and impact the society with their knowledge about life.

Having To live without impacting anyone's life is something I'm avoiding, so I wouldn't want to live very long.

Having a good life is living well and doing something to help other people get well too. Being great does not mean having to live former but it means living to impact lives.

I would not want to live forever because I don't want to suffer. As the day goes by life becomes very hard and demanding, so living forever would open me up to something I would not want to live and see.

I would not want to live forever because I Would want to die and go and rest, After all, it is very important to have everlasting rest.
People who lived well and die, leave behind legacies for people who are still living.
People should die after they have fulfilled their purpose on earth, that other people who are living after would be strong enough to on with ththeiregacies.
If I live forever it will be very hard for my children or other people who are following after me to live well, because that be thinking that I will still be there to guide them and at that time I won't be able to inculcate in them the value I have.

After I lost my mom, I saw life from another perspective.
But had it been she was still here, the truth is that I would not be this stronger and wiser.
I miss though but I don't wish her to come back again.

Living forever may not have a good impact on one, but I would want to linger a little bit.
