An Uncertain Love

Sitting at the seat out, waiting for the next class. Just looking so well into my phone, at that moment nothing mattered to me, apart from what I was doing with it.


As time went on, a lady shifted very close to where I was sitting.


Then I replied with a fake smile.

"Hi" she greeted

"My name is Inem."

"I'm so grateful."

With no attention to her, she started talking to me, but what got my attention was that she told me that she loves singing.

"Wow!" I yelled.

She told me that she was looking for a studio where she could record some of her songs. This got me more interested.

"I have someone that has a studio very close to the school."

I told her because my coach had a studio very close to the school.

"Wow!" she exclaimed with so much joy in her voice, blinking her eyes in humor.

I asked her when she was going for the recording, but she did not allow me to end the question when she tapped me to say that someone was smiling at me.


She pointed at a very handsome guy who was also sitting on the platform, talking with a lady.

"Is he serious right now?" I said, but within me, I was admiring this guy.

I continued talking with her as we exchanged contacts and bid ourselves farewell.

I stood there and started walking towards the classroom, then felt like someone was following me, so I turned my eyes and held this handsome guy.

He is tall and has dark skin. With a deep voice, he said hello to me.

"Hello," I replied.

He stretched forth his hands to shake mine; his hands were very soft and tender. I was forced to compliment them.

"Wow, your hands are soft."

He smiled and said that mine were soft and small, and we all laughed.

He told me that I looked familiar as if we had met before. I got where he was going. I smiled and told him I had never met him before in my entire life.

He then said that he saw me working on our farm.

Surprisingly, I asked him

"My farm at where?" He then mentioned the name of my street, where my farm is also located, and I started believing him.

After we spoke for a long time, he asked me out. I did not want to say yes to him because I did not want to be with someone who knew my street people too, but because of "love at first sight," I said okay to him.

After some time, we stayed together and fell deeply in love with each other.

The first time we made out, I felt what I had never felt before in front of him that day. He held me so close and told me that he would not leave me; I promised him to.

We were growing in love together.

Any time I remember that I do not want to be with someone so close to my street residence, I will just feel like ending things with him.

One day I just woke up and told him that I needed a break, without telling him what was wrong. He said okay, that he would not bother me to stay.

We parted ways that day.

After that day, I just felt like I was empty, so I called and begged him that we should come back together again.

I continued doing this about six times. One day, I woke up as usual, called him, and told him that I was no longer interested in the relationship.

He told me that I was not leaving him; I insisted that I was serious this time.

So he said that we should go see a therapist.

I agreed, and then we went to see a therapist.

During our session, the therapist told us that we were meant to be after asking us some personal questions.

When we left there, my boyfriend looked into my eyes and told me these words:

"I understand you more than you

understand yourself, and there is

Nothing would do to make

leave you because I love you so

I broke down in tears because of how emotional I can be. He held so tightly and whispered, "I love you so much," in his ears.

I apologized for the stress I made him go through; he took me out for lunch.

Thank you for stopping by, till next time.


It's funny how it's difficult to leave those we love. This is why I don't like going into a relationship in the first place. Normally women have problem. Imagine what you made him go through. Well I am glad you guys sorted things out in the end


Well, I hope the wedding bells are ringing or have rung. It's good he was patient with you and allowed you to discover and understand yourself
