A Super Hero Like Me

Hello everyone hope you are doing well and that you slept well.


Life is full of ups and downs, and everybody must taste these two. Some people may not be financially down but they could be down in their health or down one thing or the other.
Life has taught everyone a lesson. or lessons and these lessons may be directly or indirectly learned.

Life has made me understand that, I should be strong irrespective of the fact that I am a woman, that should not make me weak and not productive.

My late mother usually told us to have plans A and B and even have them up to the last letter.

Being a hero does not just entail doing a great thing for your country, it also entails doing a small thing for yourself, that could make stand strong and become resilient.
Mummy usually tells us to make sure that we do not allow anyone to think that we cannot do anything for ourselves.

I remember when I was in the university, my mom used to tell me to work while I went to school, so I took a job but did not stay long because it clashed with my school timetable.
So when I joined Hive, I got to manage my school time, ChurchrehearsalsHVdVd, H, t c. This was possible because of how I was molded by my mom.

I would wake up very early and do house chores, cook, and also make sure that I attended my morning classes. Then I return from the morning class, I write, edit, and post on Hive. By those times I used to limit myself to posting in four communities in one day.

Some of my friends who were also on hHivenever saw the need to balance their school with him they kept procrastinating, saying they would start posting on a Hive when they were doing with school.
They were always wondering how I did it.

Everyone can do so many things at the same time, without failing.
I would love to share with you how to do this;

Love yourself
Loving yourself will make know what to do for yourself

Strife to be independent
If you struggle hard to be independent, you will want to pull out yourself to do things that will make you outstanding.

Resting will make you refreshed for the next task.

No matter how things are tough, anyone can do well and survive in whatever condition.


Life does not really care if you are a man or woman, you just have to work hard irrespective of gender.


If there's one thing that is certain in this life, it is that change is inevitable and then there's the fact that we are always capable of more than we think.

