A Love Unearthed


Love is defined in many ways, and it comes in so many forms, some expected, others surprising. This story begins with a wheelbarrow, a loyal dog, and the love that flourishes between them.

Daurene first met Mori, her faithful canine companion, when he wandered into her life one rainy afternoon. He was a scruffy mutt with sad eyes and a wagging tail, looking for shelter from the rain.

"hi dude"

She said to him as he was wrapping his tail around her, showing that he liked her.

She took him in, and from that moment on, they began to have something intimate.

Mori had a penchant for mischief, always getting into trouble and causing problems wherever he went. But despite his antics, he had a heart of gold, and Daurene couldn't help but love him for it.

"Daurene, this is so crazy and unbecoming of you."

"I like him because of his eyes."

She replied to her friend.

One of Daurene's friends asks her why she would dedicate her entire money to taking care of a pet.

One day, while Daurene was working in her garden since she used to work there after she died, she noticed Mori watching her intently as she struggled to move a heavy load of dirt with an old, rickety wheelbarrow. Sensing her frustration, he galloped over and pressed the wheelbarrow with his nose, as if trying to help.


At first, Daurene laughed at the sight of him pushing the wheelbarrow with all his might, his tail wagging furiously. But then a thought occurred to her: maybe he could help me after all.

She showed Mori how to push the wheelbarrow in a straight line, and to her surprise, he picked it up quickly. From that day on, whenever Daurene needed to move something heavy, Mori was there, eager to lend a paw.

Their bond grew stronger and better with each passing day, and she began to see Mori not just as a pet alone but as a true friend. He was there for her in good times and bad, always ready with a wag of his tail and a lick of his tongue to cheer her up.

There was no dull moment with Mori, as he knew what to do at every given time to make Durene happy and proud to have him around.

One day, tragedy struck when Mori fell ill. Daurene got so worried that she was not able to take any food too, and despite the vet doctor's best efforts, it seemed like there was tiny hope for him. Daurene spent sleepless nights by his side, praying for a miracle. She became sick too, as nothing good came out of the treatment that was given to Mori.

Then, one day, as she sat by Mori's bedside, he opened his eyes and looked at Daurene with a glimmer of recognition. It was as if he was telling her—telling her not to worry—that everything would be okay.

And miraculously, it was. Mori made a full recovery, much to the astonishment of the vet. From that day on, she promised to cherish every moment with him, knowing that their time together was special.

As the years passed, Mori grew old and gray, his once lively antics substituted by a more sedate behavior. But his love for Daurene never wavered, and neither did hers for him.

One day, as Daurene sat in her garden, reminiscing about the times Mori and she had shared, she noticed Mori watching her from across the yard. His eyes were blurred with age, but they still held the same spark of love and loyalty that had drawn Daurene to him all those years ago.

She walked over to him, and as she kneeled to pet him, she felt a sense of peace wash over me. Mori had been more than just a dog to her; he had been a companion, a confidant, and a source of unwavering love to Daurene.

As she looked into his eyes, Daurene knew that their bond would never be broken, not even by death. Mori had taught Duarene the true meaning of love—that it knows no bounds, not even those of time and space.


Your story highlights that beautiful feeling that a human being can feel and express towards a pet. It is impressive how such a connection is often so special, that it can mark someone else's life in a very meaningful way 🙂

Greetings to you @somuchgrace 😊


A human and dog relationship. Always nice to read wonderful stories.


A beautiful story of true friendship between dog and human, in truth, an unparalleled, sincere and very loyal love develops between the two beings.

Thanks for sharing your story.
Good day.


You did a good job incorporating the prompt words in this story, @somuchgrace. Many of us can relate to the close bond that developed between Daurene and Mori. There is a special love between humans and their dogs. You capture that love here.

There are a few spots that give us pause. This is one of them:

One day, while Daurene was working in her garden since she used to work there after she died,

This doesn't seem to make any sense. Who died? When?

Nonetheless, it's a nice story and handles the prompt well. Thank you for sharing this with us.
