Summer garden update - Huckleberries
These plants are a long way from home, normally they grow on the Western coastline around Oregon and Washington. They tend to grow so close to the water they are partially resistant to sea spray. But that is not a problem my plants will have to deal with, being hundreds of miles from the closest ocean.
Though growing them has been hit or miss, about half of them have not made it a few years in. But I have a couple that are indeed producing new leaves and seem to be growing. Nowhere big enough to produce berries but maybe eventually they will accelerate in their growth and produce some. The berries look alot like Blueberries and if they taste anything like them I think I will love them.
The last two or so years with this plant has been quite uneventful, the first year it just paused all growing. The second year some of the died, but now the ones that survived has resumed growing. This is all normal, from the research I did they tend to stop growing when transplanted and then resume some time later.
I am hoping they will start growing faster, as they are now getting more sunlight. They were planted under some large Cypress trees but those have been removed. So we shall see how happy they are with more sunlight.
From my reading on this plant, they tend to grow in the forest floor under the thick canopy of trees. But when grown in full sun they tend to grow out bushy and not as tall.
Makes sense, as when your under a bunch of trees your best bet for survival is to grow taller.
At the moment these plants are no taller than a foot, but I hope they will get bigger than me eventually.
The orange/red leaves are new growth so good to see.
Hopefully I will see more and more of those new leaves forming.
After awhile the new leaf color turns into a light green, and then finally settling into a dark green.
These plants are evergreen, so once the leaves form they are here to stay.
I have to be careful not to step on them, so I put some stakes in the ground next to them to help notice them better.
Some of the leaves have a bronze like color to them, not sure what thats about. A little spider can been seen near the tip of one of the leaves.
But overall glad to see new growth. I may buy some more of them to replace the ones that did not survive. I am also growing a dwarf variety known as box huckleberry. So hoping all of them do okay on the East coast.
More info on this plant:
YouTube Video Link
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lol that must be a read dead redemption meme, also didnt someone have that as their avatar on Hive? hmmm.. cant remember who.
The flower is looking very nice and have you been growing this flower for a long time or you just started?
Ah thanks, well theres actually no flowers in these photos but I started it about 2 years ago.
I meant plant not flower. My bad
These are looking good!!! Don't panic (you won't because you have done your research) but, you won't be seeing any huckleberries for 3 to five years from when you planted them.
But, they are looking mighty fine! I am looking forward to seeing how they fare in the sunshine! The video was awesome and the music wasn't bad. :)
Ah good, and yeah I am glad I researched them as I thought I did something wrong when planting them. But yeah looking forward to a few years from now. My understanding is if they are grown in more light they grow outwards more like a bush. But if you grow them in the shade they grow more like a tree.
Thanks for checking out my video, hehe yeah I am not so good with the music. I just try to pick something ambient that fits the cuts before I start talking :-P
I made a syrup with " sureau " it was amazing , i love picking little fruits in the forest 🙂
Oh I had to look up what sureau is, its Elderberries.
I recently took a look at those plants and may end up growing some. I do not think they grow wild in our forests near by but I can surely cultivate them.
Now I want to try some elderberry syrup.. hehe
It is a great one for health and taste , defenetly try it :)