Something every homesteader / prepper should have in their first-aid kit!


While cooking spaghetti sauce for the homeless meal today, I was burned by a bubble escaping the boiling liquid. When I reached in to stir it, the bubble popped right under my thumb!

The ball of my thumb and the thumb to the last joint, was covered in a fraction of a second. The pain was consistent with a second degree burn, so I cleaned off the sauce under cold water. The cold water worked well on the pain as long as the hand stayed in this cold water!

Then I added my 'secret' herbal oil, to heal the burn. This is not an endorsement of this brand of laveder oil:
It comes premixed with a carrier oil so It can be used immediately, but it's easy to make your own. Simply add a small amount of the pure essential oil to a good quality carrier oil, that is liquid at room temperature. Essential oils should not be used full strength unless you are Sure that full strength will not harm you! Full strength, over a large area can cause an allergic reaction for future use;so just don't do it.

I keep an extra bottle in the kitchen by my stove, for just such an occasion. It stops the pain in seconds, and stops the blistering process. Of course there is a bottle in my first-aid kit! It usually only takes one application to stop the burning process.

It is also useful on sunburn:
Oddly enough, I had to use it underneath my watch; after I sunburned through the dual crystal on my unprotected wrist. That was a surprise for sure, LOL!

The primary area that would have blistered:
Picture was taken within an hour of being burned, taken after I delivered the food to the homeless feeding site. Notice no blisters, or even reddening of the skin in this primary burn area.

But I messed up and missed a small area on the edge of the burn:
I noticed it while we were serving, and a small blister had formed already. The heat from the food, inside the plastic glove; restarted the pain, so I turned over the task and washed my hand under cold water again. A second application of lavender oil, again stopped the pain, and began healing the blister. In about a day this blister was gone.

So add this to your first-aid kit, and keep on prepping!

0.010 PAL


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LEO Power Up Day - September 15, 2023
0.001 PAL

Thanks, glad you're keeping track!

0.000 PAL

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0.001 PAL

Sorry my Linux system won't run peaked.


0.000 PAL

Sad to know your hand got burned, but It's a must if you are working in the kitchen :P My wife's hand also got burned today, I applied quinch cream on the burned place.

0.001 PAL

It's always best to be ready for emergencies! I'm always working to extend my first-aid kit, for that day when it is my best option....

This is one of my go to meds, enough so that I carry it with me most days.


0.000 PAL

I also use lavender oil for burns, rashes, insect bites, and minor cuts. I keep bottles in the kitchen and bathrooms. It's miraculous. But I use it straight, no diluting. What do you think about that? I haven't had any problems with contact sensitization, and I use the stuff A LOT.

0.001 PAL

You are more resistant, and that's good. I use it cut, to avoid any possible problems. But it works very well!


0.000 PAL

Hey Toby I have a question for you. I got poked in the eyeball with the pointy tip of a cucumber leaf yesterday. It's better today than it was yesterday, but it's still concerning me. As the day wears on, it gets more painful. Anyway, I took homeopathic arnica, three doses, yesterday, and couldn't think of anything else until I remembered your comfrey tincture. So I put a few drops on gauze and taped it to my eyelid over the wound. Does this sound like a good idea to you? And can you think of anything else I can do?


0.001 PAL

Several drops of colloidal silver will help quickly. Be careful of the alcohol in the tincture around the eye! Echinacea four times a day until resolved, then stop. A couple of drops of castor oil will help seal it. Alternating heat and cold will increase blood flow.

Rest and relax out of the heat for a day or so!


0.000 PAL


So put the silver directly in the eye? Echinacea orally? Castor oil on the eyelid?

I have been "resting" for two days, meaning doing less, especially outside where the sun really aggravates it. It feels much better this morning, like something not too bad is in my eye.

0.001 PAL

Directly on the eye on the silver, but also internal. The castor oil just needs to be dropped into the eye. Just a couple of drops....

Echinacea internally!


0.000 PAL

When a person is working in this way, it becomes like this. A person should have the cream inside the house so that the person can apply it immediately and the pain is minimal.

0.001 PAL

We feed the homeless once a month, and I have to cook about ten gallons of hot food. This last time it was 5 gallons of spaghetti and 5 gallons of green bean casserole. We fed over a hundred, and this next month we may have another hidden camp of 20 homeless to add to the delivery schedule.

But I keep this oil close when I'm cooking, just to be safe! Sure helped this time...and the damage was healed that day!


0.000 PAL

When a person cooks so much as you are saying, or cooks many things, then it happens that the ghee etc. gets hot on the person's hand, due to which it gets burn.

0.001 PAL

I cook that much every month, and I'm careful, but burns can still happen. I would like to make a large batch of ghee, it is just to handy to have on the shelf!


0.000 PAL

When a person prepares food and bakes bread in this way, it continues to be done in this way. It is a good thing that a person has a cream etc., a person immediately applies it.

0.001 PAL

Cooking large amounts of food is more difficult, but after a decade of homeless meals; I'm getting used to cooking in large pots. One of my prep pots, that I use every time; is 8 gallons, and I start by boiling water to make food with, over two burners on my stove. Sometimes I have to cook in this pot directly for pasta. I was doing this when I got burned cooking sauce, you need a lot of noodles for 3 gallons of sauce!

But the lavender oil took the pain from the burn in a minute or so. As you say, keeping good first-aid close is wise!


0.000 PAL

I myself like to do such things mostly with my hands. When I alone at home I also make chips etc. at home and free some things for my food.

0.001 PAL

Anything home made is best! That's what we do with the homeless meals, it's all home made food that's hot. They don't often get that in a homeless camp!


0.000 PAL

If a person is good at cooking, then a person should cook all things at home. When a person cooks things, it is fun and he knows that he has used all the things of good quality. ❤️

0.001 PAL

True, but I'm so busy I don't get to cook very often. That will change after the SHTF happens, because I'll need food for the community every day! So I guess, in a way, I'm practicing for that time....



You have rightly pointed out that human life is very busy and there is not enough time for work and for yourself. It is good that you do so much for this community.❤️


The community will be smaller after the SHTF as it will be my neighbors. We plan a small, mutually supportive group; to enhance our security!



I remember the time when this was done because of Justine sun. Because of this, people have become less and less likely to understand what you were saying about your neighbor.


Your post has been curated on behalf of the outdoors and more community.

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All images belong to galenkp

0.001 PAL

Thanks! This stuff really works well, and should be in every first-aid kit.


0.000 PAL

You're welcome.

0.001 PAL

I enjoy outdoors and more! Good posting spot....


0.000 PAL

Here they use animal or ones own urine to cool down and prevent further damage.

0.000 PAL