GOD is an impressive artist, and he works best in stone, IMHO!
Sometimes, when you slab out a piece of stone, you end up with a surprise!
This stone slabbed out with an in interesting picture:
Do you see the Lady?
Sometimes the fractured rock exposes a plant:
No way to even guess how old this fern actually is, but it definitely is OLD!
Most don't fare so well:
This one has become a fossil, sometimes I feel like a fossil myself, LOL!
Here in Oklahoma, we have a state rock:
It is called a barite rose rock. This is a nice example.
Here is a cluster of barite rose rocks:
These were found locally, and I guess it could be called a bouquet!
The artistry in GOD's dominion continues to amaze me. He is an unparalleled artist! I hope you enjoyed these rocks!
We are wonderfully and fearfully made.Energy used on nerve transmission can power a factory
I have spent years designing new systems that are complex by today's standards, but they are tinker toys compared to the human body! I did design in some failure detection, but not internal repair systems.
The design of the human body is so complex, that we are just beginning to understand the basics!
I like the impressive theories coming up nowadays.Eggs are no longer enemies of the body.Meat is eaten by the Maasai people here as their stable meal but they have the best health. Sugar is the worst.
Sugar is the perfect food for cancer! I think that anything is bad in Large quantities. The closer we can get to what GOD wants us to eat, the better off we will be!
Well said
Thanks, too many people want to blame someone else for their medical problems; when they only need look in the mirror, and simply eat better!