Tales of the Urban Explorer: A Tale of Seven Deadly Houses



"Very few explorers have been to this one", @anidiotexplores was telling me.

I had no reason to dispute his claim, he had been handed it from another 'popular' explorer, one I have not had any personal interaction with.


As this strictly comes under the moniker of ‘Time Capsule’ I can’t divulge much about it, however there’s some history here that goes something like this:

Once upon a time, there was a large industrial complex that was in the middle of nowhere. The management needed workers so built several houses next to it.

They rented them cheaply to the workers who could then live there, and step out of their doors to start work every day paying them peanuts.

For years this deal went well until an almighty explosion on the plant devastated it, rendering the once proud business unusable.

The blast was so fierce that the surrounding employed occupants were told to leave immediately. As there was now no work left, the residents never returned and many of their possessions remain in the properties.

We were going to have a look and sniff out what was left. The plant was a wreck, vast, open, and devoid of any features. The closest houses were in terrible shape and obviously had been caught in the blast.


The far block, which appeared to be around seven houses all glued together were nestled behind a large iron fence. It proved ineffective and we quickly found ourselves outside the front door of house #1.

I didn't know it at the time, but there would be a theme soon that involved jumping through a broken window, mooching around the bottom floor, climbing the stairs, checking the top floor, descending, climbing out…, rinse and repeat.



There were SEVEN houses though the last one was passed upon, the reason will soon become apparent.


The insides were remarkably well preserved, though I wouldn’t wipe my arse using that crusty chunk of Imperial Leather. The cotton buds and deodorant could well have been borderline useable.


At least one lot of these foodstuffs has a date of 2014. I could describe the incident but that would give away the location. It was mostly unspoiled and contained items of value so I won't.


The front windows were always the way in. At times, there was a landing point while others like this hosted just the floor.


The rare record guide would have been of great interest to me once, but as all my vinyl went in one large lot around 2004, it was no longer.


House #2 decided not to place their CRT TV in the far corner but used it to dry their washing and appeared not to own one.


That bloke looked mean, I hoped he would not re-appear and chase us out with a large sword, screaming the words…, 'DEATH'.


In another room we found the TV, and the discarded CRT on the floor which looked remarkably similar to the one in House #1.


The kitchen looked as deadly as the bloke with the beard. Our visit in this room was short-lived.


Real money, if a little dusty.


At this point, I am losing my memory of which house was which. I think we are still in House #2. A service book for a car I used to own in the late 1990’s.


Is it the same bearded bloke, before he grew it?


He's a drinker and not just of cheap beer.


Digital money right in front of me; should I have taken it? At the time, I didn’t even notice.


Mr Beard needs a little recreational entertainment, maybe while having a shit? We all have our deviant secrets.


The other chair is in a strange position; a perfect level for a little tongue waggling I would wager.


We left the deadly bearded one and headed for House #3. I do try and avoid depositing my filthy shoes on people's leather sofas but you can't avoid it at times. Leave the front door open next time.


A slightly tidier kitchen, with what looks like a tumble dryer on top of the washing machine. They had little space to play with.


That one must not have had a lot inside as it appears we are on House #4 already. Apologies to the orange chair which was our landing zone as well as that comfy-looking cushion.


The Lemsips may be salvageable, but even fresh ones tend to make me wretch. I could stomach them when younger, but not anymore.



The newspaper may tell me a little more about the last days of these houses. 2015; that's eight years ago.


It could be put to great use where it’s sitting.


I am thinking this could be House #5, the one before my…, er we will get to that a little later. Did someone nick the telly?


Some very English glasses on that shelf, as well as more cold medication.


A lot of crap to sift through if you have the patience. I still had two more houses in the bag, so didn’t look very hard.


Ooh, Karate Belts, Purple being the big boy. I never made it past Orange, and it’s a long time ago!


The looks a little serious Edward, what have you been up to? This means testing is checking whether you are eligible for benefits. Has he been trying to con the taxpayer to give him extra cash?


Eight years later, Edward still lives here. It seems he got away with being thrown in jail.


Urk.., has someone been shitting on the bed?


I too have a load of these useless items hanging around in the house. They need to be binned.


I think this may be House #6; the postcard house and the place of my accident. I had no idea what was going to happen in the next few minutes.

Walking into the kitchen, I approached the stairs and then it happened without any notice.

'I was suddenly falling and landed on my left side, head bouncing on the floor. I was under the kitchen and the floor tiles had given way under my feet'

I lay there thinking…, ’this isn’t bad I could get used to it’. Nothing was hurting; no pain just a sense of contentment. What the fuck was happening?

It didn't last long, and staying here forever was not the answer though I was tempted to just lie there a little longer. I pulled myself up and looked up.

The fall was only around 3 feet and the landing was soft. It could have been a lot worse but I was shaken, and dazed.


Hauling myself out of that hole was a little troublesome. @anidiotexplores had not heard me and I guessed was in the final house. I had to place my back on the white tiles and then try to edge up without breaking more of those flimsy floor tiles.

After a few minutes, I was out and very wary of that damn floor. What to do now?

Feeling no injuries, I clung to the wall and edged my way up the stairs. You have to see these things out.



Up there was a room filled with airplane postcards, all of them looking quite new. Someone was a plane freak.

By the time I had exited House #6, @anidiotexplores was already outside and telling me that the final house was 'a bit crap'.


Under normal circumstances, I would have looked anyway, but my level of wary was in the stratosphere.

He had not heard my fall, probably because I had not yelled. There had been no time, it was instant.


Why 'Seven Deadly Houses'? That's because the foot of the stairs in each contains the same plastic floor tiles that have been derelict for the same amount of time in each one.


They look convincingly strong but don't be deceived. How many more explorers are going to take the same fall as me? I am a lucky bastard, or was on this occasion.


Fate was about to catch up with me; Ever seen the Final Destination movies? I am a believer.


Thinking I had dodged a bullet, we left and headed for ‘Sally’s House’. This is where things would take a turn for the worse.


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0.441 PAL


Left in a hurry, not all that long ago either, must have been making some chemical that exploded with everyone exiting swiftly for fear of contamination.

Eerie when not given reason why people evacuated. Hope that hip, arm, head never gave hassles later after diving down a few foot.

0.000 PAL

Hope that hip, arm, head never gave hassles later after diving down a few foot.

You are the first to mention it! I find it odd that nothing hurt after that fall. The landing was softish but not exactly heather freshly cut from the moors. It should have been my left side, but by the end of the day, my right was killing me. That's for the next story.

0.000 PAL

No such thing as a soft landing, we always feel it a couple of days later!

Heather on the moors sounds more exciting than a dank dark whole in abandoned house.

0.000 PAL

It's something I will likely never forget. My bravery has returned a little since then (it was October 2022), and no accidents this year yet.

0.000 PAL

Tread lightly in houses that have been dead for sometime, good clean record this year.

0.000 PAL

Wow, Disanrono, that is some good stuff! That's crazy that people would just leave their stuff like that. Unless it was considered contaminated or something I guess. Maybe they got the chance to go in and get the special stuff and then just left everything else.

0.000 PAL

I would not expect this scenario in the UK. In Japan yes. I am following a co-explorer as he makes his way through that country now.

Schools left with kids bags fully packed. Here they would have been ransacked. They have a different mindset in Japan.

0.000 PAL


0.000 PAL

That bloke looked mean, I hoped he would not re-appear and chase us out with a large sword, screaming the words…, 'DEATH'

Mr Beard needs a little recreational entertainment, maybe while having a shit? We all have our deviant secrets.


I pissed myself laughing!... But what a bizarre place this is! :)))

I brought my laptop to my mother's house to spend a while here while I watch content on #Hive and she saw me laughing while I saw this post... She asked me: Why are you laughing so much?... No way to I would dare show my mother this post!... I lied saying: It's an article about "Mafalda", you know I like that comic! :)) haaa haaa haaa "Mafalda"...

Thanks for sharing dear @slobberchops friend!

!discovery shots

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@slobberchops! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @jlinaresp. (3/5)

0.000 PAL

She asked me: Why are you laughing so much?... No way to I would dare show my mother this post!.

LOL, yeah probably wise to keep it away from her. There's no censorship here, though I do always stick a warning on the top if it's got 'dodgy content' like this one.

t's an article about "Mafalda", you know I like that comic!

I don't know it.

The comic strip ran from 1964 to 1973 and was very popular in Latin America, Europe, Quebec and Asia.

Looks like it's from another time!

0.000 PAL

Nice bunch of houses, very heart warming to see Mr Bailey enjoyed some quality gash

0.000 PAL

He needs to eat more Banana's, stiffen up the old stool a little. We all have accidents, but that bed..., ack....

0.000 PAL

moving swiftly on...

0.000 PAL

I wonder, have any of the places you've visited ever been bought and fixed up and you've gone back? Not sure that is a thing. It seems odd, with all the immigration and such that is going on, that such places sit idle and are not fixed up. One would think the money spent by gov to house people in need in hotels etc could be used to fix up old places like this? Odd times we live in, eh? I wonder how many such places, if added up, dot all of the UK?

0.000 PAL

I wonder, have any of the places you've visited ever been bought and fixed up and you've gone back?

Yes they have, and some are now operational and in business. Many others have been demolished and I mean 'many'.

One would think the money spent by gov to house people in need in hotels etc could be used to fix up old places like this?

It's geography. I live in the north where property is much less desirable than the south-east.

0.000 PAL

Despite being tiny, look like decent houses. Shame the explosion forced them to leave so quickly. Hope whatever contamination it was is long past. Glad to hear you weren't hurt from the fall!

0.000 PAL

Glad to hear you weren't hurt from the fall!

Thanks. It should have hurt but didn't, very strange. It all came full circle on the next one, that did hurt!

0.000 PAL

I wonder why they are known as seven deadly houses, probably because of the explosion... House no 1 seemed quiet organized compared to the other 6 houses in my eyes...

0.000 PAL

I wonder why they are known as seven deadly houses

This is my naming for them. If you read the last few sentences you will discover why.

0.000 PAL

Ah, now I know after paying more attention :D Thank you...

0.000 PAL

So much just abandoned! I'm surprised it hasn't been looted. They sure left in a hurry, must have been something pretty damn toxic to keep them for returning for their stuff!

0.000 PAL

It's in a relatively rural area, that's what has saved it. Despite that, every house was accessible, the windows had been smashed.

0.000 PAL

Holy smokes! This reminds me, I better get rid of my old... pictorial literature. Those airplane postcards look great. I find it interesting (and somewhat disturbing) that the clothes are still hanging from the drying rack. I'm sure there's a reason. Fantastic work!

0.000 PAL

My comrade mentioned the postcards after he left House #6. I was about to go in and then had my 'accident'. It wasn't going to stop me having a look up those stairs, though they were tougher to climb without a landing.

0.000 PAL

Those guys were clean, they even had soap for the dogs 😂😂😂😂😂

I can imagine if for real the owner came in and yelled death by scythe and you guys with your pants wet up to your ankles 😆.

Fate was about to catch up with me; have you ever seen the Final Destination movies? I'm a believer.

Don't worry, you just need a visit from the man in the morgue, then you should be worried.
They say the 6th movie is coming out

Fuck what a porno those guys have 🥵🥵🥵🥵

0.000 PAL

The bearded bloke looked a little mean for my tastes. There was little chance he would appear again after all these years, but after revealing his deviances, who knows what he might do 😀

0.000 PAL

It could have ended up like the Texas Chainsaw Massacre movie 😂😂😂😂😂

0.000 PAL

Ooft -you've got to watch yourself, although I guess its an occupational hazard when it comes to urbex. Looked like an interesting lot to explore. I wonder why there was crap coming out of the fireplaces from the chimneys - that was a bit odd !

0.000 PAL

I wonder why there was crap coming out of the fireplaces from the chimneys - that was a bit odd

Yeah, like the chimney is throwing up or something. I found that sight odd.

0.000 PAL

Hahahahah got me on this one once again, well sipping some ice cold strawberry juice while looking at these old rusty stuffs will really go well for the explore... I hope your head doesn't hurt mich anymore from the fall? got to be more careful when looking at some old stuffs in houses, probably built decades ago with soft materials.

0.000 PAL

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0.000 PAL

Just look at this kind of good property and no one is making use of them. Meanwhile, there are so many people who are sleeping on the street
I feel bad about that

0.000 PAL

Wow lucky escape by the sounds of it. It has a Marie Celeste feel about it due to the large amount of personal possessions unclaimed in the houses. I take it that you were not able to explore the blast site of the industrial enterprise?

0.000 PAL