Splinterlands Gladius Pack Open x5 - Earth Legendary Card - Jini Guise!


Christmas came early. Bought 5 Gladius Packs for 10,000 Merits, and...


LEGENDARY!!! Jini Guise

  • Splinter: Earth
  • Stats: 4 Mana, 1 Magic, 2 Speed, 5 Health
  • Abilities: Protect (+2 armors), Bloodlust (+1 to stats each time it defeats an enemy)



  • At level 1, Protect alone is worth it for any Earth deck
  • At level 4, with additions of Blind (all enemy melee and ranged have increased chance to miss), Silence (-1 magic attack for all foes), and Resurrect (revive 1 friendly unit), this would be the go to card for most battles
  • Bloodlust is always a bonus and standard for Gladius cards
  • It will take a while to get 10 more cards to max this out. After all you cannot buy merits and earning this card will take both time and luck

Fortunately (or unfortunately) I already have a maxed out Queen Mycelia


  • Protect at level 1 is the key similarity
  • Amplify (offensive - increase the damage of Magic Reflect, Thorns, Return Fire to all enemies by 1)
  • Triage (defensive - heals your back lane including your Taunt off-tank)
  • Rust (offensive - reduce all enemy armors by up to 2 each! Caution: if the Queen's killed, enemies get the armors back!)


If I had both Jini Guise and Queen Mycelia at max level, what would I use?

  • Tank + Taunt off-tank: Queen Mycelia for the Triage
  • Other situations especially if the rule set includes "no armor", then Jini Guise

For Legendary Level 1 and 2, I think Jini Guise is better, Queen Mycelia really shines at Level 3 with Triage

Queen Mycelia is only ~$10 per BCX now, I paid between $15 to $18 per BCX before the crypto deep freeze 🤧


Gladius Upgrades After Today's Pull:

Krash Wanderford, Level 2 to Level 3


  • I already pulled a gold foil previously, this upgrade just brings the normal card to the same strength as the gold foil


  • This is going to be a very strong tank at level 10 against physical (melee and ranged) with Thorns, Return Fire, and Dodge. Bloodlust will be triggered when the enemy self-destruct!

Bertrol Gobson, Level 2 to Level 3


  • Same story, already got a gold foil :)
  • This is a strong card, 2 mana for 2 attack and Opportunity


  • At level 10 it is ridiculously overpowered, 2 mana for 4 attacks (and Poison)

Witch of Warwick, Level 2 to Level 3


  • This card could get interesting at Level 10 (still a long way to go) when it gets Affliction and Poison
  • This is a good choice if you don't already have a Legendary Doctor Blight, and for rule set where Legendary cannot be used


Gladius set takes time to complete, and there are many many very strong cards to look forward to.

If you haven't played Splinterlands before, here's the link


These cards helps you to improve your win ratio. All cards are to much powerful you easily kill your enemies. i think Incoming bull market hive sps price break his all time high. Thanks for sharing great knowledge about sprinterland.
