Grand Admiral Thrawn, my profile pic, as a Splinterlands Card and why.
I just saw an awesome post by @ultm8x where he made a couple amazing cards with by @dark-hamburger, and I JUST had to join in the fun. It is so amazing. I had so much fun making a card for my favorite Star Wars Character, Grand Admiral Thrawn, who first appeared in Heir to the Empire Trilogy by Timothy Zahn. More recently, Zahn has written six new canon novels I heavily recommend checking out called Thrawn, Thrawn Alliances, Thrawn Treason, Thrawn Ascendancy Chaos Rising, Thrawn Ascendancy Greater Good, and Thrawn Ascendancy Lesser Evil. I highly recommend giving them all a read, they are amazing!!!!
Who is Thrawn?
Thrawn is a Chiss strategist who studies his opponents artwork to understand their thinking in a preternatural way, and quickly and precisely lays out strategies and counterstrategies to take advantage of vulnerabilities in their thinking with frightening accuracy. He's very reminiscent of Sherlock Holmes in his ability to deduce and notice details no one else picks up as readily.

Why I chose the Stats and Abilities he has
Ok OK OK. I know this card isn't even remotely balanced, BUT I CAN'T HELP It!!!! I am such a Thrawn fan boy, I couldn't do this objectively. Had to make him gamebreaking. There was NO other way to do him justice in my mind.
Thrawn always has his eyes on what is the most beneficial move in any given board state. He is exactly the type to surgically hit the enemy in the weakest possible spot, so this is absolutely the first ability that came to mind when I sat down to make his card. Thrawn is a paragon of oppurtunity, and is always reevaluating the board state based on new information and actively susing out any information he can.

Backdraft and 10 speed
All through the books, Thrawn is as slippery as it gets. Laying traps-- even boarding an enemy Star Destroyer in Thrawn Treason virtually unarmed as part of his carefully laid trap. His speed in assessing information, acting decisively, and landing blows in hand to hand combat make Backdraft and high speed very appropriate for Thrawn.

Void Armor and Reflect
Thrawn lives in a universe of Space Wizards called Jedi, and he's able to go toe to toe with Darth Vader and Anakin Skywalker in Thrawn Alliances and keep pace and even out play them. Thrawn finds ever creative ways to deal with force users in Star Wars Rebels as well-- almost like the magic just bounces off him. But he can only take so much of a concentrated assault which is why he doesn't have void.

Return Fire
The idea was originally you can't snipe thrawn, but then I decided to make him melee because he excels at hand to hand combat when not commanding a ship, which is where he spends most of his time in combat. But return fire still felt appropriate because he's the type who will always choose his team carefully, and he would absolutely bring an Amplify with him into combat.

I hope you appreciated my submission to what I expect to be a very fun Hive trend for the next week or so at least, and I hope everyone keeps using this amazing service for a long time!!! Thank you again to @dark-hamburger and @ultm8x, and until next time, MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU!!!!

Wow, that is really some nice work!
I love Thrawn, he is an amazing character! Keep up the good work! @andy-plays
Thanks! Always a pleasure meeting another Thrawn fan!!!
This is such a great card bud, you have an amazing mind! For sure I will try to grab one or if it's expensive I'll ask for a free one from you LOL...
Haha! I appreciate you man! I'm really glad you liked it!
👍🏻 The Card looks really cool! Would be great if one could play them as well…😋
I know that would be so cool!!! Maybe will have a functionality for playing custom cards for funsies. @cryptoraptor What do you think?
Oh heck yeah let's start a trend here >:D
You did both your profile and your favorite character, so now I gotta do 2 cuz my profile is not a favorite character :P
@jakkal(1/1) gave you
LET's GOOOOOOO. Flood C/Splinterlands with posts!
Nerf him Lol
NEVER!!! This is how strong he is in my heart, and the heart wants what the heart wants!!!!
"I know this card isn't even remotely balance"
Opps too late
All good!!! My excitement always gets the better of me with Thrawn!
What a great card, you forgot to give it bloodlust though.
ERROR: Joke failed.
@splinternews, You need more $LOLZ to use this command. The minimum requirement is 8.0 LOLZ.
You can get more $LOLZ on HE.
For real!!! The five abilities max per card is so limiting!!! In the end I had to cut it. Didn't fit thematically as well as the others. I gave him 3 extra speed to make up for it.
Petition for splinterlands to accept this card and make it an official playable card.
NOOOOOO! They'd have to nerf him, and he needs to be at least this powerful!
Dude this was so awesome I have to make one now I can't wait. All though he was super busted I love how you describe why he would have all these abilities very thorough analysis on it and loved the breakdown haha.
Great post man here have some !PIZZA
I knoooooow he was so beyond busted. I just couldn't make him objectively-- I'm such a Thrawn Fanboy!!!
Thrawn is a great character! I was so happy when they re-canonized him 😄
YESSS!!! And then when the name dropped him on The Mandalorian Season 2! SWOON!
its way too overpowered😁
Yes, Thrawn is the best. I agree.
Oh my goodness! Thank you so much. I am absolutely humbled!
That's quite an article @sketchygamerguy !! Nice way to put up your profile and your favorite character at the same time! 🥳🥳🥳
Love this! if im going to do my pfp it wont be a very good card, as the dude is just pretty average haha. Keep this unique content up sketchy!
I'd still love to see it!!! You can always do any card you want. I just really wanted to do one of Thrawn.
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