Three Tune Tuesday - Steve Vai


Here is some guitar wizardry from Steve Vai for this #threetunetuesday by @ablaze

Here is Teeth of the Hydra an instrumental on an abomination of a guitar. That thing better be made out of graphite, it would be super heavy to play a whole concert in if it was wood.

This is The Ultra Zone which is typical of Steve Vai's goofy style. Somehow he managed to mash up all kinds of styles into one song. I like hoe he used the harmonizer effect in this one.

Playing guitar like Steve Vai for 50 years can eventually lead to physical issues. This poor guy ended up getting trigger finger and some torn tendons in his shoulders. Here he is still jamming ehile being constrained in various braces after surgery. Somehow he rigged the guitar to be played with one hand.

That's all for now, thanks for looking :-)

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The first video seems like there is thunder and lightning, haha, before it brought the guitar juice to the surface.

He plays so well, especially the last video with one hand.

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Lots of theatrics in the first video. That strange guitar even has resonator strings like a sitar.

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Keep up the good work. 👏🎵

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0.000 PAL

Steve Vai is an alien. There's no other explanation. Hands down to the master guitarist of this world 👐

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Yeah quite the alien. Even with hand injuries and trigger finger he played the last song perfectly.

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Some instruments designed to take a long time to master, three necked guitar was one of them, hats off to the man made it sound good!

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When I saw him live he had a four neck guitar that was too heavy to hold. It had to be mounted on an industrial stand.

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At least he tried different, lovely sounds touching notes on each. I have only witnessed was a lap steel slide guitar.

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Lap steel guitars take some real skill to master.

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Fascinating to watch it being played, enjoyable tones/chords obtained as well, I cannot remember which band I saw performing using one at the time.

Juicy Lucy were a band I am familiar with, Glenn Ross Campbell performed using one. My collection Lie Back And Enjoy It (1970).

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This guy is one of my favorites to watch for slide guitar, really great technique.

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Sounds awesome, always enjoy hearing any instruments played well.

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Crazy stuff. Crazy good but crazy lol like that first guitar and playing with one hand...

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Keyboardists would prefer to play guitar with one hand. I have a midi guitar that lets you play each fretted note by tapping it. But I have no idea how he setup his guitar for one handed playing. Maybe he cranked up the volume like crazy and you would need an extra light precise touch to not accidentally touch other strings.

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