Three Tune Tuesday - Some Electronic Gems

Here are a few electronic chill compositions from various artists for this #threetunetuesday by @ablaze

Here is Snakez with Augment. A nice chill composition great for trying to concentrate during a tough deadline with complex tasks at hand. I haven't heard much more from this artist so I may have to dig around on Soundcloud for them.

I chose this one for the band name Decisive Koala lol. I wonder if the Electronic Gems channel just searches for people who use the same music plugins to get a similar vibe for their channel. Another nice chill song, no chaos at the office can affect me with this stuff playing.

Here is Emil Rottmayer with VOLT. This one has a nice array of transitions and sounds layered throughout. Gotta use some of those laser beam sounds somehow if you have them in your library.

That's all for now, thanks for listening :-)
