The Adventures of Higgs the Ham
This is Higgs the Ham.
He has a routine where every evening I bring him out and let him hang out in his hamster hut while I watch a show.
His rodent nature took over and he has destroyed his hut to a chewed up rat nest. He seems very satisfied with himself.
Sometimes he chills in my shirt pocket, but I have to let him out as he starts trying to make a nest out of it. He would shred the shirt if he had enough time.
He usually gets a pecan or walnut treat in the evening as well. He stuffed a whole half pecan in his pouch for use later.
As it gets later in the evening he starts waking up and gets to explore his favorite area of the house. My desktop.
There is all sorts of stuff for him to mess with on the desk. He is obsessed with strings and knots.
His absolute favorite hang out spot is between my axe fx 2 and my other guitar preamps. For some reason he has to mark this as his territory by rubbing his hair over all the metal surfaces. He twirls and flips all over the place while doing this.
After a while he settles down and takes a nap in between the guitar preamps.
This is his disappointed face as I reach in to take him back to his cage. He will sometimes threaten to bite so I have to lure him out of there with another treat of some kind.
Long life to Higgs!! F**king CUTE.
I hope I can get another year out of him.
Holy crap he is adorable! :D
His weird hamster rubbing guitar amp routine is hilarious. I'll have to post a video of it sometime.
Please do! :D
The amps are obviously his... he just lets you use them.
Or maybe he thinks he is helping out by dusting behind the amps?
I got Higgs some !PIZZA :)
@sketch.and.jam! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @brandt.
Did you know you can spend $PIZZA on games in the $Pizza Store? (1/10)
Funny you should mention that he loves to eat bits of pizza sauce. Sometimes I let him eat the crumbs.
Yay! 🤗
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So cute ❤️
He's quite the character.
At first when I saw your first picture I thought it was just a doll, lol.
A two headed doll.
At first I thought so.
He's fantastic! That little house is hilarious, too.
Hi Hammy!!
He has destroyed about three of those little hamster huts so far.
hahaha he's like one of those celebrities that trashes hotel rooms
The Ozzy Osbourne of hamsterland.
Owww is very cute!! 🐹
Terribly cute
So cute!
We have. Little hamster that loves to climb all around the children's play kitchen. Loves the fake food. Always makes me think of the movie ratatouille
They are chefs at heart, collecting all their ingredients in their cheek pouches.
Haha it’s funny that he chewed his hut
Anything fabric gets the shredding treatment.
How do you manage to keep your cool when he does that ? 😅