Squirrel Sunday - OG Rappers

The squirrels are back again this week for #squirrelsunday

Puff squirrly the old school rapper is bragging about his deluxe acorn brand acorn. This OG rapper has nothing to worry about this winter as he has plenty of walnut royalties coming in constantly.

Meanwhile the lowly Soundcloud sampler squirrel is busy trying to cut his teeth on badly sampled walnuts. Crunch, ouch! These levels are all wrong.

This is a duo called two pack. They were last seen near the hawks and conspiracies swirl around the forest on whether or not they faked their own deaths.

In the meantime two pack's producer is collecting all the walnut royalties. Nevermind that he is also friends with the hawks and wrote the contract just right so he would inherit all the royalties.

Another famous character around these parts is Sugar Cane North. He has his own clothing line and sneaker brand as well. Many low level squirrels like to get into fights over his name brand clothing.

The main stream news squirrel wants to ban Sugar Cane off all media for his bipolar opinions. Squirrel squaaas and barks really offend the news squirrel now he is off to sit in the crying tree hollow.

The country music squirrel only cares about bagging his limit on propeller seeds. He has no idea how people can tolerate the barking and squeeking rhymes from those city urban liberal type squirrels.

A$quirr Rocky is busy trying not to chip a gold tooth on this acorn. Soon he will be off to get another face tattoo from the seedy possum in the alley dumpster. This will definitely boost his street cred in the sewer rat sector.

Lil Mane is busy trying to think of a better lyric than Yeaaa. So far its taken him six months to add another a on the end of Yeaa.

People call this guy Poop Loggy Log, as he likes to poop on this log. Sadly he is not a rapper but does like to raid old candy bar wrappers out of the trash cans of the houses nearby.

That's all for now, hopefully the squirrels will be back next week with more mayhem.


I love the golden belly and tail on this one 😁💙


They were extra fluffy today, probably because the wind was blowing.


Awwww... How cute those squirrels are. 😍 Anyway, I love Lil Mane, very creative in his way. Try to teach him "Yooowww!" next time. 😂


That's what lil mane says when sugar cane north bites his tail yooowwww!!!
