Another Visit to the Fish Store
I had to go to the aquarium store again to sell off some extra plants I had in my tank at home.
This store has quite a rotation of various aquarium pets like this strange green axolotl.
I have seen many different colors of axolotls over the years but never a jade green colored one before.
Look at this strange salt water abomination lol. I didn't take note of this fish's name but it is one of the weirdest ones I've ever seen.
This is a new sight for me, a saltwater platy.
They also had a black one. I always thought platys were only freshwater. These saltwater ones are a bit larger than their freshwater counterparts.
This store is moving up, they now have stingrays for sale. You would need a really large shallow tank to keep them though.
Here is a baby alligator gar, it may look cute at just under a foot long but these guys get super huge. I would imagine it would need a lake to survive at full size.
Here are some curious looking cichlids, very smart and watchful for food.
The crustacean tank had a strange shrimp in it along with some tiny hermit crabs that were hiding behind the coral.
Here are some bala sharks, a medium sized freshwater fish that have shark-like features.
These are some large cory catfish. I'm not sure their exact name or how large they grow.
Look at these strange fellows hiding out in a pvc pipe.
These are called fire eels because of their bright stripes. They aren't actually a true eel but a really long freshwater fish. Their faces kind of remind me of a dog.
That's all for now, who knows what might be at the store next time I go.
Thanks for looking :-)
very interesting creatures. Sometimes I wonder what they are thinking. THANKS FOR SHARING.
They are thinking Fight... Food Foood Fight again... Food food
hi my friend @sketch.and.jam the view at the aquarium is very beautiful, but I'm curious about the price of the stingray
The spotted one is $300 usd there are plain non spotted ones you can get for $100 usd, the tank to house them though would cost way more money for the size and filters etc.
I had an alligator gar in a 55 gallon tank for about a year, a long time ago. I mostly fed it the small size fishing minnows. It was quite aggressive when feeding.
How long was the gar? They are another critter to add fear when swimming in a lake lol.
The gar that I had was probably about 10 inches long, more or less.
You would have to start digging a lake for it to reach full size.
Ohhh what a cool post. I love fishis. They are sooooo fascinating yet funny. Awesome pics. Fishiiiiiiisssss....😁
I really liked the fire eels but they would need such a large tank and they are communal so it would need to be an extra large tank at least 8 ft long with 1 gallon per inch of fish.
Why going cheap? 😄 jk. I would love to just move into an aquarium. In a zoo or so. I would need no tv anymore. If I could get paid for just watching fishes I would be rich by now. Whenever I see one be sure I scream Fishiiiiii 😂
The reality hits and you have to clean their tank, it's quite the chore especially with real plants in there.
Lol, that's what the staff is for. Even though I wouldn't mind cleaning the tank. While diving? Please, could be worse 😄, cleaning the bar back then was more of a hassle lol. Whenever I see one of those tank cleaners I cannot think but 'what a great job'.
Ah to be a professional salt water tank diver cleaner. I wonder what they make an hour.
I would guess it is not to shabby. A decent job I would think. Fishis all day...blub blub blub...yeah.😄
The very color of the skin of the Rye fish is nice to me and the others are beautiful ...
The only way to live Rye is to never return it to the sea, but let it live and multiply in that place ...;))
Which one is the rye fish? Is it the weird shaped one?
Fish Rye ;))
aha now I get it the stingray or should I say stingrye
Yes, it is great for culinary delicacies, you have it in my story Hansel & Gretel Border hehe ;))
The stingray and the green axolotl are my favorite.
The axolotl would be achievable as a pet since they don't require such a large tank, the stingray would need almost a large but shallow swimming pool setup. They are pretty friendly though and will eat from your hand.
Oh wow great an "axolotl" and a Stingray! One fact I really like about the Axolotl it can regrow body part and even organs. Amazing! I was totally into it when I heard this fact!
If I ever move to a place with a yard I'll try and dig a small pond to keep them with some goldfish.
We had a great teacher in first year primary school that had an axolotl called George in the classroom. She would threaten naughty kids with him saying that he would bite their fingers if they misbehaved. One morning she painted a tissue with a red pen, got me to wrap it around my finger and paraded me around the whole school pretending to cry.
They were very different times. 😁
Haha the tough old days before everything got wrapped in extra padding. Still probably better punishment than the nuns and their rulers at catholic school lol.
wow, you show a very cool, I really like to see the pictures you show this.
The fish are quite the characters.
I´ve never seen a green axolotl! I thought they were all pink :o, the others are so cool too. Is the axolotl a fish?
I think the axolotl is more related to a newt, or maybe it stands in its own category. They are strange and can fully regrow all their limbs.
I see 😮
Beautiful fish.
I am familiar with many :-)
They are all unique in their character. I like the fire eels best.
very nice view
Interesting store with assorted creatures of the deep. I like how some of them camouflage themselves so well, you wouldn't know they are there if you hadn't looked closely.
The sting rays are very camouflage out in the wild, the trouble is not accidentally stepping on one as you wade out into the water.
Yep! That would hurt. 😊
Always great to go and see the fish, I'm feeling tempted to keep fish again but with our regular power problems, I'll go for cold water species
It would be a disaster if a power outage kills all the fish. Especially an expensive stingray.
Exactly that