I live in my beloved country Venezuela, but since a few years ago it is quite difficult to find an exact brand of the products you want and that is a very singular case with our beloved beverage coffee.

As I live in an area close to the border, we have mostly supplied our brands with those from neighbouring Colombia, hence it is very common to find brands of insoluble coffee such as Aroma or soluble coffee such as Colcafé or Juan Valdez.

For many years I had not seen a Venezuelan brand on the shelves and even more without being able to taste its exquisite flavour, but this changed a few days ago when I went out to do my shopping and to my surprise I found this historic brand that has so many experiences in many Venezuelan families.

I remember how this coffee was one of my Mama's favourites, how every morning she would prepare a large portion in her pot and just sit in her rocking chair to taste a few cups of it, yes I am talking about Café Occidente, its smell is so deep that even in its packaging it permeates my whole kitchen.

I couldn't wait to consume in its entirety the one I had open in the cupboard and today as it is Sunday and my heart knows it, I wanted to bring back to my present those moments as a child when my Mama shared her portion of coffee with me, so without further ado I put my pot on the cooker and just as my Mama did and as I do nowadays I put a portion of water to boil.

Once it was boiling I only added two spoonfuls of coffee and the corresponding spoonfuls of sugar, it is impressive the enveloping smell that is distilled during its preparation, my palate was drooling with the anxiety of tasting it, so I strained it with my traditional cloth strainer and once it was ready I verified once again that this is a drink made to be savoured by the gods.

And as I am the queen of my house, look at me here savouring my cup of coffee and proving once again that every sip I take reminds me of unforgettable moments in my life, that the brain has the absolute power to remember smells and flavours, even if years go by, they are still as latent as that memorable day.

I thank you in advance for dedicating part of your valuable time to read my work and may God multiply the support you give to my publication. Blessings.

All photos used here are my property and were taken with the camera of my Redmi Note 9T phone. The design was made with the GridArt application.



Vivo en mi amado país Venezuela, pero desde hace unos años para acá es bastante difícil encontrar una marca exacta de los productos que deseas y eso es un caso muy singular con nuestra aficionada bebida como lo es el café.

Como vivo en una zona cercana a la frontera, hemos suplido en su gran mayoría nuestras marcas con las del vecino país Colombia, de allí que sea muy común las marcas de café insoluble como el Aroma o el soluble como el Colcafé o el Juan Valdez.

Tenía muchos años que no veía una marca venezolana por los anaqueles y más aun sin poder probar su exquisito sabor, pero esto cambio hace unos días cuando salí a hacer mis compras y para mi sorpresa encontré esta histórica marca que tiene tantas vivencias en muchas familias venezolanas.

Recuerdo como este café era uno de los preferidos de mi Mamaíta, como cada mañana preparaba en su olla una gran porción y solo se sentaba en su silla mecedora a degustar unas cuantas tazas de él, si les estoy hablando del café Occidente, es tan profundo su olor que aun dentro de su envoltorio impregna toda mi cocina.

No pude esperar a consumir en mi totalidad el que tenía abierto en la lacena y hoy como es domingo y mi corazón lo sabe quise traer a mi presente aquellos momentos de niña cuando mi Mamaíta compartía su porción de café conmigo, así que sin más preámbulo coloque mi olla en el fogón y así tal cual lo hacia mi Mamaíta y lo hago actualmente puse una porción de agua a hervir.

Una vez a punto de ebullición solo le adicione unas dos cucharadas de café y las correspondientes de azúcar, es impresionante el envolvente olor que se destila durante su preparación, mi paladar estaba hecho babas por la ansiedad de degustarlo, así que lo cole con mi tradicional colador de tela y una vez listo comprobé una vez más que esta es una bebida hecha para ser saboreada por los dioses.

Y como yo soy la reina de mi casa mírenme aquí saboreando mi taza de café y comprobando una vez más que en cada sorbo que doy me recuerda momentos inolvidables de mi vida, que el cerebro tiene la potestad absoluta de recordar los olores y sabores aunque pasen algunos años siguen latentes como aquel memorable día.

De ante mano agradezco el que dediques parte de tu valioso tiempo para leer mi trabajo y que Dios te multiplique el apoyo que le aportes a mi publicación. Bendiciones

Todas las fotos aquí utilizadas son de mi propiedad y fueron tomadas con la cámara de mi teléfono Redmi Note 9T. El diseño fue realizado con la aplicación GridArt.


Thanks for sharing your experience with us. Have a great week ahead with lots of coffee and memorable moments:)


Thank you very much for your good wishes 😗 I will certainly be accompanied by delicious coffee this week.
Regards @millycf1976


It's great to see you, as always! Have a Coffee-Licious Day:)

Add a he-3.jpg

All images belong to millycf1976


There is nothing better than enjoying a delicious coffee at any time of the day and if it is a very good quality coffee the experience is unmatched.

Thanks for sharing your experience with us.

Excellent day.


I corroborate your opinion, the coffee of my life has no date or time on the calendar, it's just that we can encourage ourselves to indulge and that's all.
Thank you for your polite visit 🙂 A hug 😘


I'm sensitive to smells attracting memories to me, it's very nice when that happens, especially when they are good memories. I'm sorry to say I've never tasted that coffee. Glad you found a good time in simplicity. Greetings✨

Soy sensible a que los olores me atraigan recuerdos, es muy bonito que eso pase, sobre todo cuando son buenos recuerdos. Lamento decir que nunca he probado ese café. Me alegra que hayas encontrado un buen momento en la sencillez. Saludos✨


The brain has incredible abilities and this is one of my favourites.
This brand and very good, I hope you get to taste it.
Regards and thanks for visiting 😊
