Splinterlands social media challenge - "Are you not entertained?"


Hello gamers, I hope we're enjoying the game of splinterlands, it's another week here again, there has been a lot of updates going on in the world of splinterlands and I'm trying to catch up with, I don't really have an in-depth knowledge yet but I'll surely ask my friend to put me through.
It has been awhile I played splinterlands, due to my very busy schedule this days but I deem it fit to play today, regardless of the circumstances and I'll be sharing with us the first game I played.

The ruleset given is "Are you not entertained?" whereby one additional gladiator card may be used in battles and a manacap of 22 is also given, with this one has to be look closely before selecting cards, so as to select the units that will be effective.
This is the order in which I select my units, I placed Deeplurker in the fist position, a unit with opportunity ability, which may attack from any position and will target the enemy unit with the lowest health.
In the second position, I placed Diemonshark, which has trample ability. When a unit with trample hits and kills its target with a melee attack, it will perform another melee attack on the next unit on the enemy team.

In the third position I have Medaali Guardian, a unit with tank heal ability. It restores a third of max health to the unit in the first position each rounds. Lastly in the fourth position, I placed a unit known as Hardy Stonefish with one manacap to complete the total number of 22 manacap that was given.
At round 1, I was the one to first threw the eliminating strike towards my opponent and I was able to get rid of it in no time, few seconds later in that same round, my opponent started taking revenge on my units gradually, my first unit was eliminated, at round 2, another unit was also eliminated, same thing happened in round 3, at round 4, I was only left with one unit, because I was able to select only four unit initially.

Battle link

At round 5, I was able to defend and attack a little bit and I did eliminate one unit out of the remaining three unit remaining in my opponent camp. But before I could say jack, my last unit standing was also eliminated. That was how the battle ended with my opponent defeating me. I was not happy with the result though but I learnt I need to come back stronger, I'll surely come back stronger.
The next time I'll play, I would have purchased enough cards that will help me win battles as much as possible.
