Splinterlands social media challenge- Enjoying my 99 manacap


Hello gamers, it's another week of splinterlands social media challenge and for this week I'll be sharing one of the battles I fought during the course of the week.
It's gradually becoming tougher again because I was beginning to be happy that I've moved on to bronze league II not knowing that I still need to proceed further so as to move to the next stage to avoid being demoted just like I was after the end of the season.


It came to me as a shock that day when I found out that I had gone back to my former state, bronze league III, I have to ask my mentor what was going on then he explained the cause and that's how I also gain the knowledge I know better now.

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For this game I'm about to share, the major thing that caught my attention before playing the game at all was the manacap, I don't think I've seen something as huge as that ever since I've been playing. So the manacap given was 99 and the ruleset was standard, despite the high Mana cap, I was only able to select a total number of 52 manacap.
Below is how I arranged my units, I made use of my favourite summoner, Quix devious and then my monsters are listed as follows: the first is Agor longtail which has the flying, taunt and void armor ability, with this last ability, units with magic attacks hits this unit armor before its health, normally we know that magic attacks hit the unit health directly but this void armor ability change that standard, so I love this unit for that special ability.

My opponent's team

My team

The second on the list is Chaos Dragon which also has the flying and scattershot ability, on the third posiion is Oshuur Constantia, this unit has a special ability known as resurrect ability, with this, when a friendly unit dies it's brought to life with 1 health, this ability can only trigger once per round. The fourth is void dragon with flying and void ability and the last on the list is the Runemancer kye with flying and life leach ability, almost all my units have the flying ability.
The battle was somewhat hard at the beginning of the battle but in the long run it started getting simpler, I started eliminating my opponents monster from round 3 while the battle lasted for 6 rounds and just one unit among my unit was eliminated, so I won the battle with little stress.
