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Hello everyone, I hope we're all doing well. It's Hive open mic week #203, and for this week music event we're working with the theme "memories" a beautiful theme chosen by our recent spotlight artist in person of @oluwadrey. I'll be presenting a cover of a song titled "ope mi" meaning "my thanks" by Pita.

This song is a song of thanksgiving to God, for His divine love, mercy, favour, grace, divine protection and provision over our lives.
Looking at the situation of things in my country presently, things are not easy at all, there's inflation which makes life unbearable for a common man, price of goods keep increasing on a daily basis, the value of our currency too keep decreasing. With this, some people are battling with depression as we speak and some couldn't cope they just have to end their life, that's bad anyways taking our own life shouldn't be something we would even have to consider at all. But that's just how bad the condition of things are presently, only God could save us from what we've put ourselves into.

Despite all these things, despite the hardship, we're still surviving through the grace of God.
There's a song we do sing back then in primary school, it goes like this; "some have food but cannot eat, some can eat but have no food, we have food and we can eat, Glory be to thee Lord."
This song is so true and has a deep meaning even though we don't understand it then, we just sing it for fun. There are some people that are so wealthy, they have access to everything they want, yet their health do not allow them enjoy their wealth, likewise there are some that can eat, they have good health but there's no money or food, but here we are, we have food and we also have good health to enjoy life. This is enough reason to thank God, He deserves all our thanks and praises.
Thinking about all these things, we can just give glory to God for life and in Him we have hope that our memories about all this hard times will turn to good news very soon.

My praise will never be enough
My worship is more than just a song
You love me more than I deserve
More than I deserve
I’ll praise you till the end of days
I’ll praise you
I’ll sing and shout your name
You love me more than I deserve
More than I deserve
Ope mi koito
Ojojumo ni wo ma dupe
Eje ka yin Olorun logo
Yin olorun logo
Seni ma dupe

check full lyrics


Hola a todos, espero que estemos todos bien. Es la semana de micrófono abierto #203 de Hive, y para el evento musical de esta semana estamos trabajando con el tema "memories", un hermoso tema elegido por nuestro reciente artista destacado en persona de @oluwadrey. Estaré presentando un cover de una canción titulada "ope mi" que significa "mi agradecimiento" de Pita.

Esta canción es un canto de acción de gracias a Dios, por Su divino amor, misericordia, favor, gracia, protección divina y provisión sobre nuestras vidas.
Si observamos la situación actual en mi país, las cosas no son nada fáciles, hay una inflación que hace la vida insoportable para el hombre común, los precios de los bienes siguen aumentando a diario y el valor de nuestra moneda también sigue disminuyendo. Con esto, algunas personas están luchando contra la depresión mientras hablamos y otras no pudieron afrontarlo, simplemente tienen que terminar con su vida, eso es malo de todos modos, quitarnos la vida no debería ser algo que tuviéramos que considerar en absoluto. Pero así de mal están las cosas en la actualidad, sólo Dios podría salvarnos de aquello en lo que nos hemos metido.

A pesar de todas estas cosas, a pesar de las dificultades, todavía sobrevivimos gracias a la gracia de Dios.
Hay una canción que cantábamos en la escuela primaria y dice así; "algunos tienen comida pero no pueden comer, algunos pueden comer pero no tienen comida, nosotros tenemos comida y podemos comer, Gloria a ti Señor".
Esta canción es tan cierta y tiene un significado profundo aunque entonces no la entendamos, solo la cantamos por diversión. Hay algunas personas que son tan ricas que tienen acceso a todo lo que quieren, pero su salud no les permite disfrutar de su riqueza, de la misma manera hay algunas que pueden comer, tienen buena salud pero no hay dinero ni comida, pero aquí estamos. somos, tenemos comida y también tenemos buena salud para disfrutar de la vida. Esta es razón suficiente para agradecer a Dios, Él merece todos nuestros agradecimientos y alabanzas.
Pensando en todas estas cosas, podemos simplemente darle gloria a Dios por la vida y en Él tenemos la esperanza de que nuestros recuerdos de todos estos tiempos difíciles se conviertan en buenas noticias muy pronto.

Mis elogios nunca serán suficientes
Mi adoración es más que solo una canción.
Me amas más de lo que merezco
Más de lo que merezco
Te alabaré hasta el fin de los días.
te alabare
Cantaré y gritaré tu nombre.
Me amas más de lo que merezco
Más de lo que merezco
Abre mi koito
Ojojumo ni wo ma dupe
Logotipo de Eje ka yin Olorun
Logotipo de yin olorun
Seni ma engañado

consulta la letra completa



▶️ 3Speak

0.012 PAL


This is indeed a song of appreciation. Where do you come across this great song. I love how you sing it so cool

0.000 PAL

I got it from a friend though and I think it's good to share lols

Thanks man.

0.000 PAL

Siempre que recuerdo la bondad de Dios en mi vida, todo lo que puedo decir es gracias. Bonita entrada la que tienes aquí. Bien hecho señor Sholex.😊

0.000 PAL

The 2 realities that you comment in the written part of your post are hard to digest; first the situation of the country and secondly those who do not manage to resist and persist. In my country that happened and that is why there was a massive exodus abroad, so I can understand how difficult it is to live in a country where everything increases in price and money is not enough leading us to despair, I think it all lies in the determination we have to fight and above all, in faith in God 🙏❤️

Many blessings to your country brother and thank you for sharing your thoughts and your incredible voice with us, that was great 🙌😀💛.... You Absolutely Rockkk!!! 👊😎🔥🎙️🎸🎶❤️🌟🍻💥💫💯

0.000 PAL

Thanks so much for wishing my country well. We just hope that things will start getting better.

More blessings boss.

0.000 PAL

Wow, this is a beautiful song.
However this is a beautiful entry.

0.000 PAL

An interesting entry, keep up the good work.

0.000 PAL

Thank you mummy 😃

0.000 PAL

My boss pastor at it again. This is great, I really enjoyed it.❤️❤️

0.000 PAL

This is so beautiful and sweet, am not surprised it's coming from the boss with honey voice himself
Keep it up sir

0.000 PAL

Where are you seeing all this songs a, I haven't heard this one o.
Well as always you kill this cover with your melodious voice

0.000 PAL

Just following your lead ma 😃😃

0.000 PAL