Navigating between the time I spend in front of screen and the time I spend without my screens


The major screen I'm being exposed to is my phone screen, it's a device I make use of almost all the time, I don't think I can go more than 2 hours without checking my phone, only when I'm at work though or in church. I'm a teacher and so it's not good enough to take phones to the classroom as it can cause distractions and sometimes that I take it along I make sure I'm not using it, just there with me incase there's any emergency that I need to attend to. And also in church, I also try as much as possible not to press my phone whenever I'm in the place of worship, I only use my phones on very important occasions. Asides this, you'll see my phone with me almost every time. I guess my work online as a blogger on hive made me spend more time on the screen.


I'm an introvert, I barely go out to see friends or attend events, I stay indoor most times. I could remember when myself and a friend were looking for a particular spot to chill, the spot was a very popular place known by virtually everybody around my area but because I'm not the type that fancy going out, I do not know the location of that place, we nearly got lost on our way that very day, if not for people that later showed us the way hahaha, that's the level of my introvert, mostly indoor, enjoying my privacy. While I'm indoor I do no other things than blog, chat, see movies, study, play games etc all this I do them with my phone and laptop.

Talking about how much time I spend on my phone, I can't really say the exact time but I spend most of my day in front of my screen. I hardly get bored on my phone, as long as there's internet connection I'm good to go, I might only drop it when I'm feeling sleepy, it have other offline tasks to fulfill.
Sometimes I feel bad when I'm yet to post on my blog for a particular day when the time is running out already, it will be so hard for me to drop my phone, I'll just make sure I sort it out first before any other thing.

Nevertheless, one needs to crate a balance for this things, no matter how much you're addicted to screen maybe due to the nature of your work, your love for online activities or any other thing, we still need to create time to rest our eyes. Too much of anything is bad, we get used to it too much, it might be very dangerous to our health and mind you, our eye is one of the most important part of the body that needs to be taken care of seriously. So we need to create time to rest our eyes, take our eyes off screen in order to ease it of the stress it has been exposed to. And also for those of us that still make use of our phones and laptops at night, we should make sure to have light aroun us whenever we're in front of screen else the direct light of our phones into our eyes can be very disastrous.


There's time for everything, to reduce the time we use in front of our screens, we need to discipline ourselves to the extent that we will schedule time for our activities, the time we will spend on phone and also to do other things, it's not only about saying you want to reduce it but working towards creating the change, one needs to be very disciplined to it done.


0.109 PAL


All I can just say about the wonderful post of your is that we should practice what we called discipline.

With it we will be able to balance things

0.000 PAL