My first battle mage secret weekly challenge - Holy protection ruleset

Battle mage secret weekly challenge is here again and before it ends I need to quickly drop my entry, I'm so happy because it's my first time participating, yeah I've been looking forward to it for sometime now but I'm glad I'm able to join finally. Thanks to one of my teachers who taught me how to rent cards and showed me some skills to put into use that will enable me win most battles and to say the fact, the skills and techniques worked so well, because I was in bronze III league before, I was struggling to get out of there, now my teacher had helped solve the problem with ease, now I'm following that footstep closely.

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The only challenge I have now is my laptop computer, it has been giving me issues ever since I changed it to a mini laptop, my other laptop was developing too much fault so I thought of exchanging it but I could only get a mini laptop now due to low funds, I hope I'll be able to get a good one very soon.
With the mini laptop, I've been experiencing a very slow progress because the PC is lagging too much, the RAM and the operating system is just too low, I don't have a choice though, I have to make do with what I have for now. Most times before I select my units for a battle the time is already gone, so I rush to make selections most times, and that was what cost me this battle, I lost the battle because of that.

For this week, the ruleset for battle mage secret is "Holy protection" so while I was playing I saw the ruleset and I was so happy, because it's actually my first time.
For this ruleset, all unit have the Divine shield ability, that's the first time the units takes damage, they are ignored. The Mana cap for the battle is 40.
So I was quickly select my units as follows, I used Sthispa as my summoner, actually the summoner I would have loved to use was rented already so I had to go for Sthispa. It has good monsters but the way, lets say I just discovered another wonderful summoner, yeah it's not bad at all.

My battle link

For my monsters, I used walking wraith as my front man, a unit with three wonderful abilities, the armored strike, reach and phase, with the armored strike, the unit gains additional melee attack using its armor stat, and with the phase ability, melee attacks can miss this unit.
In the second position, I used cursed windeku it has the thoms ability, that's when hit with a melee attack, it does 2 melee attack back to the attacker. The unit also has phase ability.
In the third position I used Helheim demon, a unit with flying ability, taunt and please ability, with the flying ability it has a 25% bonus chance of evading melee or range attacks from units who do not have the flying ability, and with the taunt, all enemy unit targets this unit, if they are able to.



In the fourth line I used zyvax vuul, a unit with flying, phase and recharge ability, with the recharge ability, the unit attacks every other round but does 3x damage.
The last on the list is Redwyrm hatchling, with dodge, true strike and phase ability, with the Dodge ability, it has a 25% higher chance of evading melee or ranged attacks, and with true strike ability, the unit attack cannot miss.
The battle lasted for good right rounds, but the painful thing was that I lost the battle and I was only able to eliminate just one of my opponent's unit. Though my opponent has a higher rank than I do but I still think if I had the chance to select my units on time, I could have stand a better chance. Although that's what they call a battle though, someone have to lose so the other can win.
