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Thanks for the suggestion, I am sorry for not posting it there, am just finding mine way around here, am new and don't know much yet as touching which community suit the post yet. I hope to learn more from you as the day goes by. Thanks
0.001 PAL
You're welcome. That comment was for future reference as we are trying to guide new users to post in the appropriate communities based on their content. Posting in niche communities helps you link up with likeminded individuals as well as possibly getting more interaction on your posts.
Here is a nice guide on using communities that was recently posted. I know it will help you understand things better ;)
Alright,am glad to hear that, thanks for taking the time to put me through, I will go through the guide now to understand how it works better, thanks once again
It's no problem at all. I'm always glad to help :)
I am happy to ear that. Thanks